Al Goes on A Diet, Chaos Ensues

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There are many fics about al with a eating disorder, but what if he goes on a healthy diet for benign reasons and the other's read too much into it? Would there be chaos or nah? just a thought. Don't take seriously.


It was a glorious morning at the UN building in New York(very original, I know). By glorious I mean shit. It was the G8 meeting and so naturally everyone and their grandmother took this as an excuse enough to lose their gosh darn mind(we don't swear in this damn fic).

One nation that was mysteriously missing from the international fight club was Alfred F. Jones, the USA. Usually he would be ever present in the thick of the fray. But as Arthur routinely kicked Francis where the sun didn't shine, he couldn't help but notice that his former charge and little brother, whether Alfred wanted to think so or not, was missing.

"Wait a tick-" he said out loud breaking up the chaos.

"Quoi?" France asked confused, opening his eyes slightly that had been shut with pain from being kicked.

"I bloody well know that git is not skipping a meeting!" Arthur spat.

"Vas ist the problem." Germany raised his head from where his face was planted in his hands in despair, "Isn't he usually late?"

"Oui. Mon amie, allemande, est correct." Francis stated simply, but then grew a mischievous smirk seeing an opportunity to antagonize the brit, "Is angleterre worried about his petie amerique? Zhe apron strings still there, non?"

Arthur punched Francis in the gut who pulled his hair and well you know the chaos devolved from there again.

Germany returned to his "stare with despair" at the table, all the while Romano yelled threats at him and Veneziano talked nonsense about carbs und stuff like that.

Eventually Alfred came skidding into the room, smoke practically coming off of his simple black business shoes. He raised a hand for them to wait until he caught his breath then gave his trademark "hero" smile and thumbs up, "THE HERO IS HERE!"

Everyone sighed.

"Where the bloody hell were you! You are holding up the whole conference!" England was miffed because A) he had taught the boy to be more punctual and B) he wanted to get home asap to write his Doctor Who fanfiction.

Alfred waved his left hand dismissively before coming to sit next to Matt, "I was just making breakfast. It takes longer than just buying it."

Matt raised a brow, "You made breakfast?"

"Hell yeah bro!" Al said, shoving a partially eaten toast, avocado, and egg sandwich in his face all the while looking proud of his culinary "feat". I mean, I would say it is a feat considering who raised him.

Matt moved back but squinted at the sandwich, "Where's the bacon?"

Francis overhearing them came over to inspect the sandwich then let out a gasp, "Amerique! You are not a lost cause after all! Look at how well toasted the bread is!" (it's not much, but you have to consider England can't even make cereal without it spontaneously combusting)

He then turned to Arthur, "See, I am a good influence on zhe boys! Unlike you, rosbif!"

"Why yo-

Germany interrupted them, "That is quite enough! Can we please get this meeting over with!"

They all simmered down but many thought the meeting was oddly quiet for some reason.

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