So This Was All Your Idea??!!!

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Based on the story "The Hate Game" by Shatterdoll

This is a prequel and my take on why America acts the way he does in this fic. Listened to the Beastie Boys while writing this, so enjoy.


America was relaxing in his Virginia home. Doing basic chores to waste the quiet time. He had cleaned all the bathrooms, the kitchen, done the laundry, and had now moved on to quietly dusting the books in his dusty office. Not really an office but much rather a library. A book caught his eye. "Measure for Measure" Hmmm? Was it that book that England had gotten him for Christmas? What did he say? "Here you bloody git. Here, try to raise your IQ this new year."

Good old England. Alfred decided to take a break and give the story a chance. He pulled it off the shelf and saw the full title: Measure for Measure: The story of Imperial, Metric, and Other units. Ahh, he remembered now, it was a 4th of July gift from Canada. Didn't really understand why Matt gave him the book though. Kind of a lame gift. Oh well.

He opened the first page and saw some familiar names. He then saw himself. Then began to read on. The more he read, the more he shifted on his seat, his eyebrows pressing in concern. He stood up and began to pace, all the while his eyes were glued to the book. He began to pace faster and faster, gripping the book until the hardcover snapped into pieces.

He huffed, until a forgotten memories caused him to pause.

"Only 5 miles till London, Poppet."

"A pound of sugar is plenty to last you till I return."

"Yes, a mile has 5280 feet. No. Not literally, git."

"This is not complicated. It has been used for centuries."

"A bushel of corn goes for how much? Bloody hell."

Alfred got angry. All the snide comments about his measurement system. All the harassment that he had received from everyone, especially England, had been England's fault!? Alfred rubbed his face trying to relieve the anger. He had forgotten that England was the reason he used the imperial system. Hell! It said 'imperial' in it! He should have remembered! All the wasted time he spent trying to remember the conversions, and the mental calculations anytime ANYONE ELSE SAID ANYTHING WITH MEASUREMENTS! WHICH IS LIKE ALMOST EVERY FRICKING CONVERSATION!

"How's the weather over there?"

"Ohh it's been in the 20s all week."

"I thought it was summer there?"


"Oh, 70s. It's been warm hasn't it?" (Pained smile)

"Yes. It has." (Judgemental look)

"Amerika, I don't believe you landed on the moon. You can't even get your measurements right. KOLKOL"

"So, just go to the end of the street, take a left, continue for 20 kilometers before turning right."

"Thank you." (Four hours later) BRIING "Yellow! H-"

"Where are you?!"

"On the road. Geez. I texted you I was going to be late. I had to ask for directions to Belfast."

"Belfast? You should be here already!"

"Well I don-Oh. SHIT!" 20 KM not 20 miles. Later: "Alfred, please. As your brother, I beg you to just use kilometers. Maple."

"Laddie. What do you mean you lifted 300 pounds? How can something weigh money?"

"Why can't you just change it?"

"It's not that simple."

"Why not?"

"I tried but no one would-"

"Why not you stupid b@stard?"


"I totally diagnose you with the stupids." "Vaffanculo. You are literally the ONLY ONE!" "I think he is just to stupid to understand."

A thousand situations similar to these. Honestly, he was furious. All this hell because of England. And the fucker didn't even keep the damn system, he even refused to acknowledge it was his! Letting Al take all the bullshit!

He spun around. Slamming the book on the table. He looked down in defeat. He felt a strange feeling in his stomach. He then thought of England and a torrent of anger swirled. Ahh. That bastard.

The sound of wood cracking echoed in the room and the thick hemlock wood table had split in half under his grip. He took labored breaths to hold back his anger. His blue eyes seemed to glow a radioactive shade of blue in the setting sun's light.


It was the world conference and Alfred saw England chatting with the others. Look at that Sunava-B1t(H. Having a nice conversation about the weather with Japan. It made him sick. A cold hate washed across him.

He saw England look at him, before looking concerned. He made his way over to him.

"Is everything alright?" He asks, looking nervous.

Of course England is nervous. That b!tch-@ss! He damn well knew what he did or else why would he be so guilty. Ohhh, how Alfred wanted to kill the man. 


"Measure for Measure" A piece of literature by Shakespeare. 

"Measure for Measure: The story of imperial, Metric and other units" A book on the history of measurement units. 

Kind of an aside, but I think that in this story, Matt gave Al this book in order to cause drama because he was bored. 

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