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I apologize for getting this out so late. Midterms whooped my butt and took my lunch money.  A request for PeanutButterFroggo. Hope you enjoy it! 


One not so peaceful day at World Academy:

Switzerland absolutely loathed having to come to this schools. Sure, it was an "enriching experience" whatever that meant. Oh well, it was only a few more minuets till he got to leave. The clock finally struck and he made a bee-line towards the door. He looked both ways, making sure those imbeciles didn't spot him. YES! He made his way to the back stairs. Just as he was about to get to the exit at the bottom he spotted Germany, Prussia, and Austria standing in front of the exit.

Germany was probably waiting to get him to do an interview for his 'Journalism' club. How they ever got anything done was a mystery to Switzerland, what with Italy and Japan. You may be thinking that sure Italy would slow things down, but Japan? Japan may seem all mature, but Switzerland knew. He knew. All about what went on behind that innocent face. 

Germany heard him coming down the stairs and greeted him, "Switzerland. Could you tell us about your club?" 

Damnit! He got caught. "The-leave-me-aloners." 

"Zhat is not a club!" Germany stated. 

"It saved me from you." 

"Jou should join our club!" Prussia yelled while swinging a broom like a guitar, in the process knocking Austria's glasses askew. All the effort to show how 'awesome musician' he was. 

"Vermanit Prussia! Just look at what friends of music has become since he joined!" Austria yelled. 

"Hello Big brother!" 

Switzerland spun around to greet his dear little sister, "Hello Liechtenstein. Did you have a good day today?" 

She gave a sweet smile, "Ja!" 

He gave the slightest hind of a smile. Their attention was drawn by the chaos that had somehow occurred without even 5 minuets passing. 

"YOU F*CKING UNRECYCLEABLE WATER BOTTLE! You can't use my awesome little brother as your servant. 'go get this. go do that' yada yada" Prussia yelled at Austria.

"I-" Germany tried to interject. 

"shush, little bro. Grown ups are talking." "mmhmp" 

Germany looked at them like they were crazy. 

Austria huffed haughtily, "Would you please organize your thoughts before speaking. Then your insults might sound compelling. Besides we all know that Germany was truly my charge." 

"I am neith-" Germany tried to get his opinion in. 


"Its pianist dummkopf."

"Ja. That is what I said." Prussia gave a completely innocent face. It was truly himbo hours for the Germanic family. 

Switzerland covered Lilly's ears and glared at the others, "VOULD JOU ALL SHUT UP!" 

The all quieted. 

"I apologize for our nethandral relations. How about lunch on me? Hmm? What do you think lily?" Austria asked, not paying attention to Prussia's outraged face. 

Switzerland thought it over. Free lunch=saved money, but he would have to deal with Austria. It was a tough choice. He could just take him a lily to lunch, but he would have to pay. Why do that when there's free lunch offered? It is completely free? Maybe he could splurge for a treat. Right?-

Lichtenstein looked at her brother who stood motionless, "Mr. Austria, I think you broke brother." She said concerned. 

Prussia came over and slung an arm over Switzerland and Austria pulling them together, "Come on! I'm starving! One of you money bags can afford it! Spend some of those savings on me! What else are they for? I want something big! You hear that? Ohh! UND BEER" 

Austria glared, "You can't drink nothing but bear. You will get sick like the dog you are."

"See! This is vhy jou aren't awesome, penist! Part of why am so awesome is because I drink beer. Awesome taste of this stuff almost brings awesome tears to my awesome eyes." Prussia chided. 

"I hate to agree with you Austria, but-"

"You agree with me?" Austria asked, a bit touched. 

"OHHH, Switzy's going to take a side!"

"Nein! I Will beat you both with my peace prize!" 

The two in Prussia's grip tried to get free of him all the while arguing with each other. Germany and Liechtenstein quietly followed behind them talking about their day, observing their big brothers making every elderly woman in a 50 mile radius say "Bless those boys. They ain't right." 


Totally want to get a better at writing them! I kind of like their dynamic. Its kind of entertaining to imagine that Lichtenstein and Germany are the only two with some sense, having to deal with the whirlwind of chaos that comes from their older brothers. 

Hetalia One-Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें