Send him to Detroit

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It was a normal meeting, France and England were fighting, parkour and pub boxing. Germany was trying not to have a stroke as Italy was giving his presentation on the different varieties of pasta. Russia was hiding behind the Baltics from Belarus. Ukraine was chatting with a blushing Canada. China was pestering an increasingly annoyed Japan. Lastly, America was laughing at France and England, and Russia's misfortune, and teasing Canada. Mexico was the only halfway normal one there, ignoring them all while watching Romano punch Spain.



America immediately whirled around and fell off the table he was sitting on. He looked up and panicked as a group of teens bust down the door.

The girl who yelled had corn colored hair and a blue dress as blue as her eyes and was tugging a buzz cut boy into the room by the back of his calico shirt, "Dad, make ken snap out of it!" America opened his mouth but was interrupted by squealing. An almost identical girl to the 1st except she wore a white dress and had brown hair, came in dragging in another boy by the ear who had light brown hair wearing a red shirt with an O on it. America just nodded with exasperation as if it was something he expected, "Ohio!" he yelled out, causing the boy to stop squealing and look up at him.

America gave him a parental look that spelled 'you're dead'. Ohio just smiled friendly, "Aw, C'mon pa. You know he is a sight."

America just glared at the boy while tapping his foot. A random snicker could be heard and America snapped his glare at another boy who slipped in, "Michael, What are you doing here?"

'Michael' just snickered, "How could I resist seeing f%ckeye get it!"

"Language!" shouted America.

"Sorry." Michael didn't look sorry though.

America returned his glare to Ohio who had tried to make a break for it but was snatched by the 1st girl, Indiana and the 2nd, Illinois. He glared at his sisters, "When the h*ll did you two get along?" They just smiled serenely at him. Truth be known they just liked bothering him.

Ohio tried to escape his siblings, but they kept a good grip on him. America looked unamused and sighed, "You know not to bring up march madness or basketball with your brother." He gestured to Kentucky, the boy who came with Indiana, who was busy arguing with himself mumbling about 'Luhl-vul' and 'Wildcats'. The countries scooted away from him.

Ohio smirked at his father, "What are you going to do about it pa? You can't scare me."

America smirked back at his son as Ohio rapidly paled, "Take him to Detroit." America handed a plane ticket to Indiana who smiled.

Indiana and Illinois dragged their brother out the door.

Ohio could be heard yelling all the way out the door, "NOOO! NOT DETROIT! NOOOOO! PLEASE! ANYTHING BUT DETROIT! DAAAD! NO! NOT DETROOOIIIITTTT!"

The nations all stared wide eyed as the other boy who wore a blue hoodie with a yellow M on it began laughing evilly so much so he fell over rolling on the floor laughing. America narrowed his gaze on him, "Michigan, Do you want to go to Cleveland?" Michigan suddenly stopped laughing and his eyes went wide, "You would never..."

America turned to face him, "Try me."

Michigan jumped up and bolted out the door yelling, "NEVER! GO BLUE!"

Kentucky looked up from his mumbling to jump and yell, "GO BIG BLUE!"

America sighed and collapsed in his chair rubbing his forehead, "Their going to be the death of me...." he whispered to himself. Canada patted him on the back, "at least you don't have Alberta and Quebec." America just groaned, in no mood for his brothers gloating.

Russia blinked, "....and people say I am crazy...." The others looked at him weird but had to nod in agreement.


"Luhl-vul" or "Luh-vul" is how many Kentuckians saw 'Louisville'.

'Go Blue' - a reference to University of Michigan

'Go Big Blue' - reference to the University of Kentucky, whose colors are blue and white, and is synonymous with its mascot the wildcat hence their name Wildcats. No relation to High school the musical.  

For reference about MI and Cleveland: Hastily made Cleveland Tourism Video.   

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