Welcome back (3)

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The next day they went to the park like they used to do when they were kids and when everything was normal. Their parents died when they were pretty young, Stella was only 12 and Max just turned 18. Stella went into foster care for a while and Max went to live with a friend of his, that was until their aunt found a way to be their legal tutor. They were not blood related to her but she was married to their mom's brother before he died from cancer 10 years before the accident. That said, Stella didn't know her very well and at the time she could go to her home from foster care she had already made sobre pretty bad choices with the people around her. At that time Max had enroled in the military, it was the only way out for him. Doing that he didn't have to live everyday with the knowledge that his parents where dead, but that also meant that he couldn't see his sister for a long time because he was moving out of the country.

The last time that they saw eachother almost 10 years ago they had a huge fight. Max had just gotten back from the military an decided to go see his sister. She was in a lot of trouble, married to that guy Grant that only with a look he could see that was bad news, she didn't have the best company in the world, she was just a mess. When he tried to talk to her about everything, it ended in a big fight that touched some senisble topics, like their parents left or how she felt abandoned for a really long time until she found that crew of people that in her eyes cared about her. That fight ended with him going back to the military and not speaking to his sister in years, just a text from time to time. 

They were sitting looking at the water from the lake. They were in silence, thinking, both of them wanting to start that difficult conversation but none of them knowing how. 

Stella- You were right...

Max- About what?

Stella- What you said that day 10 years ago when we had that fight...

Max- I said a lot of things, most that I regret

Stella- I replay that conversation pretty much everyday and it helped me a ton... You said that I was in a bad relationship and hanging out with the wrong people

Max- Yeah that's one thing that I don't regret saying, you were in some really deep mess

Stella- Well, a few weeks after that fight I started to realize some thing. And after we all were in a pretty bad car accident. I started to get my life together, i stopped smoking doing drugs and I got in the firefighter academy.

Max- Well then I'm glad I said that... What happened with Grant

Stella- Wow... that is pretty difficult for me to talk about, I haven't talked about it in some time.

Max- Hey you don't need to

Stella- Yes, you deserve an explanaition. While I was getting better, he was getting worse. When i was in rehab, he got mixed into some pretty bad deals and with some pretty bad people. That and the drugs made him into a pretty bad person. He tried to kill me, once we where at home and got into some pretty bad argument, at the end I managed to get away and another time I was working at mollys and he tried to stab me in the back alley, Kelly was there and saved me from that. After that I send him to rehab and prison for some time. And I haven't known anything about him for about 6 years. 

Max- Omg Stella... I'm so sorry you had to endure yourself all that... You are so strong and I'm so weak

Stella- You are not weak

Max- Yes I am... You were right, I abandoned you, my little sister when what I should have done is protect you till the end of the world...

Stella- Hey... you did what you thought was best for you at that moment. And I'm kinda glad you did because if you wouldn't have done that I wouldn't be married to the love of my life right now

Max- I'm sure destiny would have find a way to get you two together, you guys are soulmates and I'm glad you have him on your life and that you are happy

Stella- Dou you have someone in your life like that?

Max- I've been seeing someone for a few monts, her name is Rachel...

Stella- Pretty name... When can I meet her?

Max- Not so fast... First I want to ask you something...

Stella- Sure

Max- I don't want any more differences between us, I want us to be in eachothers life

Stella- I'm pretty sure we can do that... But don't you live on the other side of the country?

Max- Actually... Rachel is from chicago, and she just found a job here so we are moving in a month or so... And I left the military so I have a lot of time

Stella- Well I'm glad to hear that and that you are happy, you deserve it... Now we have to get going because I told Kelly that we would be back home like 15 minutes ago and we need to do a lot of things.

Max- Sure, let's go... Hey sis?

Stella- Yes?

Max- I'm glad we talked about everything

Stella- Me too... Now, don't get to sappy, I'm hungry

Max- Oh god... I missed you

Stella- I missed you too


AN - I don't know if I should let the story finish here or do another chapter but with a little bit more Stellaride. Let me know what you think

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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