Welcome Back (2)

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It was a busy night at Molly's, probably the busiest this week. But Stella kept an eye on the door, waiting for Max to appear. They hadn't seen eachother for years and she was nervous. Kelly could tell, that's why he didn't go back to the table with the squad boys, he stayed there so he could comfort her in anyway he could on that busy night. It was an hour before closing, and everyone there was practically from the firehouse. Her brother hadn't come yet, she was sad but kinda knew it was gonna happen.

Stella- I knew he wouldn't come, I was hoping he would but now it's too late...

Kelly- Hey... There's still an hour till closing time. I have a feeling he will come. He did came to the firehouse looking for you first thing after being deployed right?

Stella- I guess... I'll just wait an hour but I won't get my hopes up

And just as they were about to close, just when there was the two of them at Molly's, just when Stella lost all the hope, the door opened and there stood her brother.

Max- Sorry I got here so late, I was just trying someplace to stay because my original plan failed and finding a place to sleep here is difficult

Stella- Did you find something?

Max- No... I'll just sleep in the car I rented for tonight

Kelly- That's not happening man... We have a spare room, you are staying with us

Max- You don't have to do that

Stella- Yes, you are my brother and I haven't seen you in years so you are staying with us. But I have to finish closing so you'll have to wait.

Max- Thank you

An hour and a half later they were all back at the loft. Max was installing himself in the spare bedroom while the married couple were changing in their bedroom. Kelly could sense that she was tense, nervous sitting in her side of the bed. So he went to  hug her from behind to bring some comfort. When he did that he could sense some tension fading away. 

Stella- Thanks

Kelly- For what?

Stella- For being you, for being here, for loving me and for agreeing to let my brother stay even when you don't know him and I didn't ask

Kelly- Hey, I love you  no matter what and he is you brother, he is family

Stella- Am I doing the right thing? I mean we haven't talked in years...

Kelly- Then now it's your chance to do that and see if you did the right thing, that I'm sure you did btw

Stella- Alright... I should go see how is he doing 

Over on the spare room Max was overthinking. Should he go to a hotel? Did he do the right thing by accepting the room? Would he be able to talk to his sister after everything? There was only one way to answer that, staying there and talking to her. Just as he was thinking that, he heard a small knock on the door and after his sister coming in.

Stella- Here some towels... How are you setteling? You need anything?

Max- Thanks... I'm fine

Stella- So Kelly and I were going to watch a movie, wanna join us?

Max- I'm gonna have a shower and call it a night, but thank you for the invite

Stella- You are welcome, If you need anything we'll be there

Max- Do you think we could talk at some point? I need to explain somethings...

Stella- Sure... I don't have shift nor plans tomorrow so we could go out for breakfast if you want and then to the park?

Max- Sound like a plan

Stella- Good night


AN- Short chapter, but I wanted to give you guys something since I haven't been able to write anything lately. I'll try to post the next part in the next couple of days!

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