Past Relationship (2)

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Grace- This place is nice... you worked here for a long time?

Stella- Yeah, I'm the manager actually

Grace- You look great Stella, better than ever

Stella- Thanks Grace... you don't look so bad yourself

Grace- I just needed to apologize for everything... It broke my heart when I left you

Stella- Mine broke too you know... You left me with a note on our kitchen counter. That was one of the worst days of my life

Grace- Stella, I was only 19, I didn't know what I was doing, I was in a bad place and I needed to leave. We were in a bad place, and I just couldn't handle it anymore...

Stella- So, instead of talking to me, you left me... If in that moment I was in a bad place, it only got worse after you left... I started a relationship with Grant and got married to him a year after, he helped me get clean but that marriage was bad, you know how he was when he was high... Anyway, Kelly saved me from that, and I will always be grateful to him. Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm grateful that you left that day, because if you didn't I would probably have never found my soulmate and the love of my life, so thank you...

At the same time, inside Molly's

Kelly- Hey Herrman, can you give me another one

Herrman- Sure... do you know what is all that about?

Kelly- I don't know... I just know that they were friends a long time ago and that it didn't end well

After almost an hour, Stella was still talking to Grace. Kelly was starting to get worried, because he saw how she was before the conversation started, so he decided to go make sure she was okey. Stella had her back to the door so she didn't see him, nor did Grace. He just stood there listening. They were saying their goodbyes. And just when he started to aproach Stella, Grace turned around and went straight to Stella and kissed her. That kiss didn't last long because Stella pulled back. 

Stella- What the hell are you doing Grace?

Grace- I'm sorry, I needed to do that... I missed you too much all these years...

Stella- Oh my god Grace... what did I just tell you? Yes, I loved you when we were together, but that was a long time ago. I don't love you anymore and I don't think I want to see you again. I'm married to the man that saved my life, my soulmate, my best friend, the love of my life and I don't see my life without him... so please just leave and stop disturbing our life... 

Without saying anything Grace left, almost crying. Stella also had a few tears going down her face, she wiped them and turned to enter the bar again, just then she noticed Kelly standing there perplexed. After a minute of them Stella started to talk but not without a few tears streaming down her face again. 

Stella- How much of that did you see?

Kelly- That doesn't matter... come here...

Kelly wiped her tears and embraced her in a hug. They stood like that for almost 10 minutes. She needed that, it was the only place she felt safe. And he also needed that, after hearing everything her wife said. He assumed she had a tougher life that what she had told him and that broke his heart in a million pieces. 

Stella- I should probably explain everything to you... you deserve to know it

Kelly- When you are ready, I don't want to push you... Now just lets go home

Stella- Thank you... but I just have two more hours till my shift ends...

Kelly- Herrman is letting you go home, it's a slow night... so come on, let's go grab your things

Stella- I love you, don't ever doubt that please

Kelly- I love you, you are the best thing that has happened to me... now let's go home

The next morning while they were having breakfast in their comfortable silence, Stella decided that it was time to tell him about everything...

Stella- I was in a relationship wit Grace for two years, just before Grant...

Kelly- Babe, you don't have to explain anything if you don't feel like it

Stella- I know, but you deserve the truth Kelly

Kelly- Okey

Stella- A I was saying, I was in a relationship with her for like two years just before Grant. When it ended I was only 19. 

Kelly- I never knew you liked girls too

Stella- Well, people tend to assume that everyone is straight, but I'm not, I'm bisexual... But Grace was the only girl I ever dated. After her I realized that I was more into guys especially after I met you for the first time... Anyway, we got a small apartment to live together, and just three weeks after that she left me with a note on the kitchen counter... I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, I just wanted to forget about my teenage years. Those were horrible  between my parents always fighting, then dying, my brother entering the military and never seeing him again because he is deported who knows where, then my addiction, then this....

Kelly- I'm sorry you had to go through all of this alone... I don't know what else to say...

Stella- You don't have to say anything... You saved my life and you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Thank you for being here for me and for listening to me... I'll always be grateful for you... Just please don't leave me, I don't know what I woul do without you

Kelly- I'm never going to leave you... I'll be here for you always

Stella- Promise?

Kelly- Promise, I love you

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