The Accident

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Best read in dark mode <3

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Best read in dark mode <3


I always hated the flash of cameras...

"Over here miss Hana!"

It's nauseating.

"Hana! Raise your head! look at the camera!"

My head hurts...

"What's up with you? This was our most important Shoot and you fucked it up! What if we lost our sponsor?"

"I'm sorry Narumi, I just haven't been feeling good..." I weakly smiled at my 'amazing' manager.  I longingly gazed out the tinted window, at the bustling city of Tokyo, and the beautiful lights, It was everything I thought I wanted...

"It's always about you! What about me huh?! When you fail I fail too!" Narumi shouted as she angrily drove the car. "You know what? Get out."

"W-what? But the hotel is on the other side of the ci-"

"GET OUT." She shouted as she slammed her foot on the brake. The car aggressively jutted forward. I shivered in fear as I unbuckled my seat belt and rushed out of the car. The moment I slammed the door shut the car sped off.

" what?" I bit my lip as tears started to form in my brown eyes. I immediately took off my heels and started walking. Where to? No clue but it's better than sitting still.

'God how long have I been walking? It feels like it's been hours' I leisurely wiped my tears as I continued on my way. That was until I was caught off guard by something wet landing on the tip of my nose.

"What?... Oh, you've got to be kidding me! Rain? seriously?!" I angrily bit my lip as I quickened my pace in search of shelter. My eyes lit up as I saw a bus stop not too far away.

'Thank god! It's pretty convenient how a bus stop is just sitting her-'


The sickening sound of bones cracking and blood gushing filled my ears.

'It hurts...make it stop...'

'Am I gonna die? is this the end? I didn't even get into a relationship yet!'

'Maybe it's better this way? No crappy manager, no expectations, No overbearing family...just peace and quiet...'

'Oh honey, I think you might have spoken a bit to soon'

'Huh? who the fu-'

'Open your eyes dummy.'

I opened my eyes to see...nothing? Just a white void and a white figure slowly making its way toward me.

𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐜𝐫𝐲. 𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐒𝐇Where stories live. Discover now