Chapter VI ~ Tensions On the Rise

Comincia dall'inizio

Bea: Gn

Tyler: Gn

The little exchange was very anti climactic for Bea and she had been expecting more, but it wasn't that big of a deal, she was acting like she seriously liked the guy. She'd known him for a few weeks now, it wasn't anything special. 

What was really bothering her was Sheriff Galpin and the ghastly expression on his face. Sure he was angered by Bea's presence in his home, but his mind seemed slightly distracted at Tyler's house. His response was strange, he asked if the girl had suspected a Nevermore kid. Meaning whatever had committed the crime was on more of the supernatural side of things, unless of course he was mistaken for a bear. 

Still, Bea felt like she was missing something, and that left her with an emptiness that she couldn't quite explain. 


The next morning Bea was approached by a hot headed Xavier who seemed to have been informed on the girls outing last night. His arms were crossed and his eyes cast a judging stare on Bea. 

"I can't believe you." Xavier began, Bea was slightly confused by his words, though she was sure that she knew exactly what he was referring to. 

"Xavier." Bea mumbled, she couldn't really defend herself. She'd gone and hung out with the boy even after hearing about Tyler's prank, she was sure that he regretted it and wanted to make things right. 

"Tyler is trouble, and I can't wait for the day that you finally realize that." Xavier said, Bea couldn't really understand why the boy was so passionate about the matter. Xavier and her were acquaintances, not even friends yet, in her book, so why was he so fixated on keeping her away from Galpin?

"Why do you care so much?" Bea demanded, she was tired of Xavier's harsh little remarks and looks of disapproval, why did she need to be judged for everything in her life. At normie school she was judged for being too different, at Nevermore she was judged for not being different enough. This was part of the problem, on why normie's and outcasts had such a hard time getting along with each other, they were ostracized for trying to make friends with one another. It was a constant cycle of hatred on both sides, even the Montagues and the Capulets would be ashamed of what happened between the two. 

"Because Weems told me to look out for you, she saw us talking and asked me to keep you out of harms way." Xavier said, he also didn't want the girl to get hurt, that feeling was simply out of the kindness of his heart. 

"I don't need a guardian angel, thank you for looking out for me, but I'm seriously fine." Beatrix protested, so Weems was on her tail once again, she believed that she had been off the hook, but it seemed like she was very far from it. 

Xavier scoffed and walked away in the distance, both sides of the conversation left feeling angry and confused. Bea was confused about Xavier's hatred for Tyler and why it was so strong, though the boy did care for his art deeply, and destroying something with so much value was pretty heartless. Still, Bea always believed in second chances, and Tyler hadn't done her wrong just yet. 

What's more, Weems was suspicious of Bea again, she'd explain her situation slightly, though not in great detail and not the whole truth. She just hoped to keep things that way for her own sake. 

[A/N] Sorry that was overly dramatic but he is just looking out for her ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Beatrix sat in the blande "safe" space of Dr. Kinbott's office. The place had a strange eerieness to it that was slightly unnerving, Bea couldn't tell if it was because of the strange taxidermied animals that were resting neatly on shelves, or if it was the smell of rotting roses that had begun to take over the place. 

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