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An offering to be apart of the triplets strange yet lovely family? Who would deny such a thing.

"Isn't our answer obvious?" cage said as she chuckles.

"Heck ya!" Cage cheered as taylor claps his hands.

"It would be an honor to join this rather esteemed and lovely family you have" Alberu said as he smiled, not the public smile he always had but a sincere and grateful one.

"How joyously this day is! I get to be apart of your precious family!" Valentino was overjoyed being apart of a very dear friends circle of family.

"I will place upon you the honor of me being apart of you family" Adin said as he smug with pride.

"This is very wonderful young masters!" Rosalyn was also very happy of their offer.

"Being apart of this very noble family would be an honor" Antonio said as Glenn nodded.

"Hahaha yes! Wonderful Indeed as the future mercenary king I can approve" Bud who was also overjoyed can't help but laugh and pridefully in tittle himself as the future mercenary king.

Raon who was very happy that his otherworld family was also his family in this world + the white radish and Adin that he flew round and round up cale's head.

"... Is Raon-nim.... Okay?... " Rosalyn said as she was concerned with the swirling dragon.

Cale smiled answering Rosalyn "hes fine-"

"Weeee~!!!"Roan cheered.

" he just had a lot of cookies for snack"Added Cale.

"Make yourselves at home we shall let you guys be, take care of the guest you three" Violan said as she dragged dilan out of there, dilan sad he didn't get to have his long awaited father and sons bonding, though he can wait there were still guest the triplets needed to entertain, new family members they just Accquaired.

"Well then I shall also take my leave as well you masters, plenty of work to be done since you arrive, I shall prepare thoroughly" Ron said as he smiled and disappeared as stealthy as posibble.

"I'll leave also" Choi-han said as he peaked towards kim and kim nodded.

"I shall prepare your lunch" Beacrox also left and headed towards the kitchen leaving the children and the triplets with their new family members.

"Now then shall we give them a tour"Barrow looks at his siblings who stayed and nodded enthusiastically.

Taking the lead Barrow leads the stray ducks that followed him around like soldiers around their house.

The first floor had a living room which was very white and looked very holy which is why it was cale's less favorite room, it also had 10 rooms 3 of those rooms were occupied by hilsman, the weird guy loyd and hans. This floor also had a private meeting hall which was designed by Cale and Barrow the combination was both secretive and sinister.One of the rooms in the first floor was also a kitchen.

The second floor was the floor occupied by the scary butler-chef duo, which had 9 rooms in total, this floor also had violan and dilans room, the whole second floor was designed by violan, covered in extraordinary arts and beautiful statues there was a music room and an art room also.

The third floor has rooms with golden or steal doors, why? Because this was were the stacked jewels, gems and money were located in which they were also protected with 2 dragon magic for safe keeping that only Cale, his brothers and sister as well as dilan and violan can open (including the children). This floor also had many more rooms for example there was a room full of dresses and suits as well as an indoor salon and a very big bathroom.

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