CHAPTER O5;Simp? Hell no! that part is taken

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Antonio couldn't help but face palm at Cale's answer.

"Cale speak english, we don't speak Cale language, for you to answer miss Rosalyn's question with 'smack them from the back'"

Valentino nods as well as Adin, Chrissy somehow got the idea Cale was saying and decided not to speak thinking that if the other didn't get what Cale was saying, while she gets it, the other might think they have the same mind.

And they do not, she doesn't have any suicidal tendencies thank you very much.

"Oh... Well the plan is simple really, we get need to get ahead of them, which means we need both of the water tribes to be on our side, In order to do that Barrow, Kim and Me will do something to make that happen"

Cale explained, he then looked around to see if the others get what he was saying, but what he sees were the worried look they had.

He doesn't know why they would be worried, what would they be worried about? His plan is full proof.

He already has a very special connection with the whale tribe all he had to do now was have a very special connection with the mermaid tribe.

"Oh you don't have to worry about the plan failing I have plans from A-Z if ever some plans don't work"

Cale assured them, but somehow the worried expression on his friends face grew even more.

He flinched not really getting why they would not trust him and his plans.

"Cale I think you misunderstand, we do trust your full proof plan, it's just that... We don't trust you full filling the plan while also looking out for your safety"

Chrissy said as the others nods.

"Oh is that what's all your worried about? Don't worry Cale would have me!"

Barrow proudly said as the others looked towards him with doubt.

"Not to wake you up in reality Barrow but.... Your just like Cale, although you have less sacrificial tendencies... But your just like him"

Cage said and taylor agreed with her.


"I'm gonna have to stop you right there Kim, your also like them"

Choi-han said as he covered his boyfriends mouth to prevent him from speaking any further.

"So we're gonna go with the plan your saying while also giving you guys someone to look out for you in case you ran into trouble"

Antonio said As Alberu nodded.

"Tell us about your plan for at Cale"

Alberu told Cale as Cale could only nod and accept his friends request.

"Okay so I remember Her majesties birthday is coming up which means we are going to steal the spot light from him"

"Meaning? What?-"

Adin doesn't know were Cale is going with this.

"By stealing the spot light you mean exposing yourselves?"

Taylor says.

"Precisely Taylor, The thames household shall be reborn yet again"

Kim said as he smiles.

"And in order to do our grand comeback, and put the fake deputy in place, we're gonna need your dad"

Cale said as he pointed towards Alver.

"Okay... How?"

Cale smiles at Alberu which made Alberu rather uncomfortable seeing the scamming smile.

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