The show in itself was an absolute masterpiece. An avant garde performance piece that was plucked straight from the depths of Matty's mind. There was no doubt about that. Split into two halves; the first being the new album and the second being 'them at their very best' as they launched into their greatest hits.

There was no denying their back catalogue was insanely good but she was always going to have a soft spot for their self titled era because she was around when they were writing it, her and Matty were together when the album was released and they went on that world tour. So when she heard the opening notes of robbers; her hand immediately went up to clutch at her heart because she had always adored this song.

Charlotte was truly absorbing the moment that she hadn't even realised that Matty had wandered on over, grabbed her by the hand and was starting to pull her on stage. The realisation hitting her what the little fucker was doing when the audience started screaming. The brunette reached out in an attempt to grab onto Ross' arm but ever the professional carried on playing as Matty started to sing to her. She would have found it sweet but she had seen videos online recently of what he was doing with fans during robbers and she went into panic mode.

She didn't think she'd be totally against kissing her ex as a whole if she was being honest with you but she definitely didn't want to do it in front of a room full of screaming fans who had their iPhones out, already recording the moment ready to post all over the internet. But Matty pulled her in close, talking softly in her ear asking permission if he could for old times sake and she didn't have the heart to say no to him.

She knew what part of the song it would happen in so as it approached; the brunette pulled away teasingly like she was rejecting him but the smirk on her face told Matthew she was only joking. So he pulled her back into his chest and kissed her so naturally like they hadn't been apart for eight years, the fans screaming in pure delight so Charlotte pushed at his chest to get away from him after a few moments of nostalgia and laughed loudly.

"Love of my life. My muse. Charlotte Cooke everyone!" Matty gestured towards her as the song finished, holding her at arms length. Charlotte dropped his hand and flipped him her middle finger before hugging him and ripping the mic from his hand and addressing the audience.

"I won't lie, I'm only here for Ross!"

To which the audience screamed with delight, once more and making her beam, as she curtseyed at the fans before looking over at Ross. The brunette skipped over to him and planted a big kiss on his cheek, to which she was pleasantly surprised he returned in front of the audience before she happily waved goodbye to the fans and blowing a kiss to the other boys. George cheekily pretending to catch his as she speedily exited the stage.

The rest of the show was incredible, as she expected it to be and she watched happily from the side of the stage out of the way of prying eyes and she just prayed that by the time she returned to her hotel that her notifications weren't flooded with hate because she dared entertain Matthew's ridiculous ideas.

Luckily she was greeted with compliments and appreciation and a lot of 'Charlotte really is one of us.'  and 'Such a mood!' In response to her giving Matty the middle finger at his declaration of love and saying she was there for Ross and everyone's love of her friendship with all of the lads after all this time and it restored her faith in the fact not all fans were complete lunatics!



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