i. instagram

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charlottecooke_ Instagram vs reality when you ask a backstreet boy to take your picture! Guesses as to who took which pic!

Liked by kevinscottrichardson, niallhoran and 12,311 others

user1 Nick = Instagram and Brian = Reality?

charlottecooke_ No and no!

officialmelb Looking good sweetheart! Hope you're having fun!

charlottecooke_ officialmelb Thanks Auntie Mel! Always fun on the road with the boys! Let me know when you're free and come down to a show!

user2 Charlotte is so pretty I want to cry!

nickcarter So much fun in Italy!

charlottecooke_ nickcarter I actually think I ate my body weight in pasta last night. I'm going to blame one of you. I'm not too sure who but I will!

user3 Instagram Kevin and Reality AJ?

charlottecooke_ user3 You have one of them right?!

aj_mclean Blame Kevin!!!

charlottecooke_ aj_mclean Ohhh that was I needed to tell you... I'm blaming you sweetheart!

aj_mclean charlottecooke_ Ehhhh why?!

charlottecooke_ aj_mclean Because I'll think you'll find you my friend that you suggested the extra pasta dish to share and I've got no time to go the gym.

nickcarter Thought we were heading to the gym in the morning?

charlottecooke_ You wake me up at 6am on the one day I get a lie in. I'll throttle you with my bare hands Carter!

user4 How do you put up with them on a daily basis?

charlottecooke_ user4 Lots of wine!

howie_dorough Fantasic photographer you've got there!

charlottecooke_ howie_dorough Mehhh he's alright!

user5 Omg I've got it! Instagram is Howie and Reality is AJ!

charlottecooke_ user5 We've got a winner!!!

rokspics Even your reality is pretty darling!

charlottecooke_ rokspics Okay what do you want Littrell?!

rokspics charlottecooke_ Can't a guy tell his manager she looks pretty without wanting something?!

nickcarter charlottecooke_ rokspics Ohhh he totally wants something!

user6 Someone get this woman a fresh bottle of Pinot Grigio pronto!

charlottecooke_ user6 God you know me so well!

kevinscottrichardson charlottecooke_ On it!!!

charlottecooke_ kevinscottrichardson This is why you're my favourite!

{author's note} First chapter is here guys!!! Hope you enjoy! Remember to like this chapter and leave comments about what you like and suggestions for future chapters x

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