ix. real life

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{tw warning} There is a tiny by of smut at the end of this chapter. The tiniest bit! It is not with a bsb just fyi before you start reading!

CHARLOTTE WAS VERY HAPPY TO BE ON THE PLANE BACK TO LA. She had some spa treatments booked in, a mani pedi to look forward to and hopefully a peaceful two week stay at the Beverly Hills Hotel before a couple of days at the McLean's for Thanksgiving. She also had plans to go and surprise Adele in Vegas for her opening night of her residency next week. So she had that planned and she was very excited to drink all the wine she could get her hands on with her friends. She was very much looking forward to some time away from the Backstreet Boys.

She loved them. Lord knows she loves the five idiots, however now that they had done the last leg of tour for the year, she was looking forward to some me time. They had definitely had better weeks but now that they were 10,000 feet in the air with no way of escaping. She was really starting to get irritated by them, it was the smallest things, whatever stupid conversation they were currently having and she couldn't help but roll her eyes again. The brunette was trying to tune them out but the harder she tried the harder it was for her to zone out all together.

It was only when she scoffed by accident at something AJ had said that she was brought into the conversation. "You need to get laid because you're being highly irritable right now! What's wrong with you?!"


Both Charlotte and Kevin exclaimed at the tattooed man before their manager glared at him. "That would be great but I've not had boyfriend in forever and don't exactly have time to go out find anyone when I'm looking after your stupid ass!" Charlotte scowled at him.

"Did you not bring your vibrator?"

"Dude. Not cool." Nick chimed in from next to the brunette.

"Funny you should ask because the last time I even attempted. Brian knocked on my door to ask me a question and then stayed for twenty minutes."

"Sorry." Brian apologised sheepishly.

Charlotte smiled at him softly. "Not your fault love. It's fine. Can we just not talk about when the last time I got to enjoy myself. Thanks."

"Sorry. If it makes you feel any better none of us have gotten laid since we were last home either!" AJ laughed; trying to lighten the tension that was now lingering around the group.

"It's fine." Charlotte squeezed his hand from across the table. "Again. You get to go home to someone. I don't."  She shrugged them off, very aware all five of them were watching her.

"This problem could have been resolved if we just had one big orgy?!" AJ shrugged like what just came out of his mouth wasn't extremely inappropriate.

"ALEX! That's highly inappropriate!" Charlotte glared at him when he started cackling. "This isn't the 90s! Whatever you're in to, don't bring me into it!" She blushed before turning to pick up her phone.

"Just shut up or talk about something else whilst I try do some work." She said fiddling with her phone and hoping to find something interesting to distract her because now thanks to that idiot all she was thinking about was getting laid.

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