02- You Guys Know Each Other?

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"Why are we here?" I asked.

"I just want to stop by. You can meet all of the gang" he said As we both walked up to the door. He opened the door and there was the 'gang'.

"Hey Dally" some of the guys said. "Are you going to introduce this beautiful young lady." One of the guys said.

"Soda this is Hannah, Hannah this is Sodapop." Soda smiled at me as I shook his hand and smiled back.

After he introduced me to everyone a boy with brown hair and a scar on his cheek walked into the house. "Hey Johnny." Dally said putting him in a head lock. I giggled a little. Johnny got out of the head lock and gave me a very long look (the picture at the top of the page)

"Hey, I'm Johnny." He said quietly. "Hi I'm Hannah." I smiled at him and he gave me a shy smile and sat on the couch. Dally and I sat on the couch next to Johnny. Dally put his arm around me and my heart skipped a beat.

I heard the door open and look and there he was. "Hannah this is-" I cut Dally off "Ponyboy." I said Bluntly. Which caught Ponyboy's attention. He turned and looked at me as we locked eye contact.
"You guys know each other?" Dally asked.

"We go to school with each other." Pony answered. "And we've hated each other since forth grade." I added on to his statement.


I know this is short but I'm really sick and only felt like writing this much. I know it isn't really that interesting but oh well.

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