"If you're going to come here and try and find someone," those blue eyes caught his easily. "You should at least get to know the town a little more."

"Maybe you should tell me about it," he leaned his chin on his hand, looking adamantly at him. "I feel like we got off on the wrong foot."

"Getting on the right foot isn't going to make me want to date you, you know," Anton said. He just couldn't get over just how those soft baby blue eyes could hold so much authority to them. They were gorgeous to look at, though.

"Maybe you could just show me that bookstore?" he asked. "It shouldn't take but a half hour."

"And that's what you consider a date?" he raised an eyebrow.

"No," Mateo smiled. "I consider that just a tiny step to us getting to know each other. That and I really don't know where this bookstore is that you're recommending."

That gaze left his again as the coffee boy looked to the door. It seemed like another one of his workers were coming in. Mateo didn't even look at the time. He didn't want to. He already knew that it was late as it was. The more he thought about it, the more his body would wish to shut down for the rest of the day.

Beauty rest was important. But not as important as getting under this man's skin.

"Fine," Anton sighed, taking off his apron. "You're lucky that I'm able to get off the clock."

"Wait," he followed him like a puppy to peanut butter. "You're actually going to go there with me?!"

"You aren't that bad of a person when you aren't trying to force me into your bed," the brunette crossed his arms. "Especially when I don't even know your name."

"I never told you my name?" he almost stopped in his tracks with that. If it weren't for the fear of losing the man that he had finally convinced to go somewhere with him, he would have stood frozen. He always gave people his name.

Come to think of it, that must have been why he called him sir all those other times. Mateo had been wondering that. He put his name on the paper that he was going to hand him when they first met, but Anton didn't take to that approach.

He liked the soft approach, like those soft eyes of his.

"No," Anton answered. "And you still haven't."

"Mateo," he told him. "Mateo Thompson. It's weird to know your name when I haven't even introduced myself properly."

"You should probably work on that here," Anton told him. "Usually people like to know each other's names before they want to climb into their beds."

"You'd be surprised."

"Anyone who's worth it is going to take more effort than a smile and some compliments."

"That's the first time I've heard you give yourself a compliment," he chuckled. It was funny seeing him this way. He was cute talking about what he should and shouldn't do with strangers. Mateo talked to plenty of strangers. There were many who didn't care for names, even the big wigs of corporations.

And when it came to the bedroom, there were plenty of fun nights with strangers to be had. It all made for a wild time.

He made the brunette stop in his tracks with that. Those blue eyes were on him again as he frowned. It was the kind of frown that showed that he wasn't really mad, just unwilling to admit that he was right. Mateo enjoyed that frown. He was better at this than the man thought.

"You really are something else, Mateo," he shook his head in disbelief, gesturing towards the door that was closest to them. "Here it is."

The store was tiny with wood trim around to give it a homely look. The door was made of glass with the name of the bookstore etched in gold right onto it. The inside had fairy lights of all kinds of colors. It really looked like a wonderland.

"Did they decorate for the holidays already?" he asked, taking in everything that he could. He hadn't been to a bookstore that cared this much for their decorations. Some of the bookshelves looked like they had handwritten notes on them.

"Agatha always makes her place look like it's straight out of a fairy tale," Anton answered, opening the door for him. "What kind of books are you even into, anyway?"

"I don't know," he shrugged, walking in. "I wouldn't say I exactly have a type."

"You don't have to pretend, you know," Anton crossed his arms. He looked good that way. It brought out his hips more. "It isn't a good look on you."

Oh, but that was a good look on him. Mateo had to reign himself in more than he thought he would. This was going to take a lot of mental patience if he was going to actually be able to keep this up with him.

"I like thrillers," he answered. "Especially when they're hard to get."

Author's Note: Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Mateo's such a cute person. His level of confidence is one that I could only dream of having. I'll give him props for that. Also, I'm glad to bring some more scenery into this story. Agatha's bookstore is relatively new, even though in the story it's one of the oldest businesses in general. I might just go a little more into it in the next chapter.

Thanks for all the votes and comments! I'll see you all soon with another update.


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