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Wednesday slowed down in front of me making me jump to the side.

"Why are you slowing down, he is already in the quad?" I asked her still walking towards the doors. She paused staring at the sword on display.

"This is the one my mother used to kill Garret with." She breathed, her hand hovered over the hilt of the sword.

"Cool, grab it," I told her, taking off once more. 

I wanted to make it before Crackstone was able to hurt or even kill anyone. Running out into the quad I saw him standing in front of two kids, his creepy staff pointed at them. 

I didn't know what it was really capable of and I didn't want to know. I threw my hand forward watching the blue stream snap hitting him in the arm. He didn't drop the staff though.

"Howdy Pilgrim," Wednesday interrupted. I slowly moved around distracting him as the students ran back for safety. The closer I got to him the worse his teeth got. They were completely rotted.

"Can you like taste your teeth?" I asked him grimacing slightly. As long as he paid attention to me it would give the others a chance to get out. "I mean your chompers are black as hell." I pointed at his face. He tightened his lips stepping towards me.

"Stay away from her!" Xavier? 

I turned to see an arrow hovering in the air. Xavier had his bow raised. Where the hell did he come from? He wasn't supposed to be here. No. No. No. The arrow was stopped in front of Crackstones hand, he smiled watching as it slowly turned around. 

The arrow now aiming for Xavier. I stepped forward just as it went flying. Wednesday stepped into its path, but I redirected it with a shock. The arrow clattered to the ground as the metal tip hit the column to the right of Xavier. 

My eyes wandered over Wednesday and Xavier to make sure nothing had happened to either of them. A tight nauseating feeling washed over me. Crackstone could have hurt them. Hurt him. And it would have been my fault.

"You are a nuisance." Crackstone hissed. 

I turned, forgetting he was near me. I felt the cold ring touch my cheek. A shock jarred my bones as I hit the ground. I didn't remember losing my balance. A burn erupted on my cheek. I pushed myself up to my knees touching my face. 

His ring had cut me. Suddenly my head was lifted gently. Green eyes looked down at me. I couldn't help, but smile. It pulled at the fresh cut on my face, but I still smiled at him.

"Xavier, you need to go," Wednesday said from somewhere behind me. 

I realized my back was facing Crackstone. Reminding me of the situation. Xavier didn't move he was still staring at me, his fingers resting under my chin. He was waiting for me to tell him what I wanted him to do. I didn't hide my smile.

"Get them out of here," I told him, glancing at a few students still hiding behind pillars. He hesitated to look over at the students. 

"Damn it." He breathed running towards them. I pushed myself up facing Crackstone. "Come on guy, let's go." Xavier led the others out. 

A wind snapped through the quad, pushing my hair behind my shoulders. The calm before the storm. Wednesday lunged forward swinging at the ancient man. He was surprisingly limber for rising from the dead minutes ago. 

I reached into my pocket pulling out the black knife my father had gotten for me. It seemed appropriate, was it a waste of time? Probably, but black blade for his cold black heart. Goody had said that. The only way to kill him was through his black heart. 

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