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Wednesday had decided we should take a trip to the Gates mansion to check it out. She called it a favor since I didn't spend a lot of time with her on her birthday, although that was entirely her fault. I was going to try and spend time with her, but she didn't want me there. 

So I went with Xavier instead even though she likes to drag me away. It was starting to piss me off. I was younger than her by a few weeks, but still. I was allowed to make my own decisions even if she meant well.

She looked at the drawing once more. It was a match to the gate. The vines grew over the bars, the chain hung to the side, and the 'private property' sign hung as well. This place has been deserted for a while.

"So this is where that Gates kid lived?" I asked as we approached the gate.

"Garret Gates." She corrected me. I pushed the gate open letting Wednesday walkthrough, then gently closed it. 

"You said Goody showed you this in a vision," I muttered looking around at the peeling siding and boarded-up windows.

"Yeah, she said I would find answers here." She added. 

We moved around the side of the house. The was an arch that had a door on the left side. Wednesday stepped up to the window, but I saw movement. I grabbed her arm pulling her back as we heard the muffled voice of someone. 

We ran back towards the road, there was a car moved off to the side. We must not have seen it on our way up to the house.

"We need a distraction," Wednesday whispered. Thing crawled off her shoulder.

"Why do we need a distraction?" I asked her. Were we going to jump the Mayor?

"Sheriff, pick up your damn phone, it's Noble. Listen, I have figured out who's behind all of this. It's a long shot, I am going to have to lay it out for you." 

He looked over his shoulder as he was hit with something. Thing was throwing rocks at him. Wednesday suddenly stood up moving towards his car, I ran after her realizing what she wanted to do. 

"We'll do it over pie at the Weathervane just like the old days, see you soon." I snuck around the backside of the car making sure I was below the window so the Mayor didn't see my head. 

He turned once again looking back at the house. I popped the trunk slightly as we both crawled in, Thing was making his way as well as I slowly lowered it to make it less obvious that we were getting into the trunk of his car. I pulled it shut waiting for the Mayor to get in. 

We sat in the back of his vehicle as he drove us back into Jericho. He was getting pie with the sheriff. I just wanted to know who he thought was behind it. He seemed pretty confident, but what did it have to do with the gates house?


I could tell we were back in town because of all the lights that reflected back into the car. I avoided looking on Wednesday as we lay across from each other. 

The car stopped suddenly and then we heard the door open and close. I sat up watching the Mayor cross the street. I could see the Sheriff sitting in the window waiting for him. 

A blue car came down the street. It was not stopping and the Mayor wasn't across the street yet. The car slammed into the Mayor, his body rolling over the top. 

"Shit." I breathed. 

Wednesday gasped next to me. I fumbled for the latch on the door trying to get out. The sheriff came running out of the Weathervane. The trunk door opened and I practically fell out as I tried to make my way over to the Mayor. 

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