chapter 4

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Inko, the scariest Olympian of them all, was his mother!

No wonder she kept calling, if she knew Izuku was in the Underworld she'd come raging down here to get him. Nothing would stop her.

"Get a life, Inko," Allmight said. Then to the massage nymphs, he added, "A little higher on the right shoulder. That's the spot."

"I shall go to crete!" Inko cried. "There I shall shrine, I shall weep until Izuku is found!"

I threw a pillow at the tv. And through gritted teeth, I said, "Phone home, Izuku. Tell your mother that you're on your way home right now!"

Just then the palace doorbell rang. A voice called out, "(restaurant of your choice.)" The scent of warm curry wafted into the den as one of my staff let the delivery ghost in.

"Can we eat first, Bakugou?" Said Izuku.
"All right." I said too hungry to argue. "But the second we finish I'm taking you home."

To of my serving ghost brought in the curry. Shitty hair didn't bother with a spoon, he just devoured it in a single gulp.

I gave Izuku a bowl. Sure I didn't like the person that owned the restaurant but I was tired and they made some good curry in a short time.

Izuku took one look at it and scrunched his nose."I don't like spicy food." And with that he got up and went to the kitchen a few moments later he came back with a whole fruit salad. When did he make that? Oh well.

After we finished eating I turned to back to him, "A deal's a deal, now let's get you back home." I said.
"Deal?" Izuku said, "I never agreed to any deal, Bakugou. You saw how my mother is. Please! Let me stay! Just for a few days."
"But what if Inko finds you here-" I began,
"But she won't!" Izuku interrupted, "How can she? Besides, you need help down here, Bakugou. You saw those plants, they were so depressing. You saw how I made the plants bloom. I could turn those fields into a real garden! For a Goddess, I'm a very hard worker. I could do flower arrangements for the motel, or-or I could work with Kirishima!"

He turned to the fury. "What exactly do you anyway?"

"I'm an avenger, I hear complaints mortals-mostly mothers-who have been wronged by their children. Then me and my bros go and punish the offenders." Shitty hair explained.

"I could help with that!" Izuku said. "I'm really into justice!"

Kirishima only shrugged.

Izuku's words gave me an idea, if I tried to take him back to Earth, he'd be protesting the whole way, and I'd have to deal with Inko. But what if I got the furies to take him? Of course, they couldn't exactly tell him they were taking him home. But they could fly him up too crete and I could finally get him off my back. I smirked. It was the perfect plan!

"Fine Izuku, I'm not going to argue with you." I said.
"Smart move," said the Goddess of spring with a giggle.
"But I have a full schedule tomorrow," I went on. "Hundreds of ghosts to deal with, I won't have a spare minute to spend with you." I turned to Kirishima. "How about taking Izuku avenging with you tomorrow?"

The Goddess gasped when he heard me say that. "Would you, Kiri? That would be amazing!"
"Hmm," the fury hummed looking thoughtful. "I don't think we have anything too gruesome lined up for tomorrow. All right, Midoriya can come."

"Oh, Kiri thank you." Exclaimed Izuku. "Thank you, Bakugou."

Shitty hair stood up and stretched. "Well, I need my very much needed manly rest." He said while yawning.

"Me too." Said Izuku.

"The Furies wing is through that door." I told Izuku nodding toward it. "Go have a look around. I need a private word with Shitty hair, he'll be there in a minute to show you which bedroom you can rest in."

Izuku smiled. "Good night Bakugou, and thanks for the greatest day of my life." Then he scampered through the doorway.

I almost sort of bad thinking how I was about to trick him,  he had such a trusting smile. Key word almost. But this seemed the only way to get him back to his mother.

I turned to Kirishima. "You must have figured out by now that Izuku has run away from home," I said. "From his mother."

Kirishima's red eyes widened in surprise. I guessed he really hadn't been paying attention to "The Allmight Show!"

"His mother is Inko," I went on. "Goddess of agriculture. She's desperate to have her son back. She's in Crete right now sobbing and weeping. You know how upset mothers can get when they're worried about their children."
"We avenge the wrongs of mortals bakubro" Kirishima said. "Not Goddesses".
"Okay Izuku's a Goddess" I told Kirishima. "But his mother still a mother. And if you take Izuku home to his mother, I guarantee Inko will be the happiest mother in the universe. Of course you'll have to surprise Izuku." I added. "Take him on one or two avenging missions, then fly him over to Crete. You'd be doing a great deed."

Shitty hair thought for a moment.

Then he said. "It does sounds like the right thing to do bakubro. I'm sure Denki and Sero will agree."

"Goodnight bakubro," He said.
"Night Shitty hair," I said back while I started walking away.

But then he said something that made me stop dead in my tracks.

"Bakubro, Izuku has such a big crush on you." Then he too disappeared into the Furies wing.

I stood frozen in the spot.

Never in my life had I heard such horrible, terrible words.


Hey my little flowers I'll be uploading the next chapter in a few days because I need to start the next chapter of my other book, but do keep an eye out for that one. Tho other than that I really do appreciate you and I hope you have an amazing morning/evening/night. And hopefully I'll see you in the next chapter.

1037 words

My Godess // Bakudeku *Gods AU*//*VERY SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now