Chapter 6

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There seemed to be no end to Ares bothering me. The school hiking trip had gone to it's end and the semester ended, so we were free to do whatever the heck compelled us.

I had suffered 10 gruelling days out there with Ares, associating with humans and being outdoors. It was time I had some peace and quiet of my own.

I cannot begin to describe the joy I felt when I could FINALLY escape to Dawn's library and by all means become a book hermit in there. It was more than a dream come true. I guess ten days with other humans was worth it.

As soon as we got back to campus, I spent a few good hours asleep, I must admit, I did hug my pillow a little to try and compensate for something I couldn't put my finger on, but that didn't make me a hug loving human.

After my self imposed hibernation, I showered then carried all my necessary comfort items and marched my way to the glorious walls of dawn's library.

The building was more beautiful than any other library I'd ever seen, and I was having serious doubts on whether I would ever leave.

  Inside, there were walls with shelves and shelves containing books and books and books of information. Ares' card felt like gold in my hands and I couldn't stop my fingers trembling as I itched to get my nose tucked into new pages and the smell of a newly cracked open book.

   I made my camo over in the physics center and I don't remember getting up for alot of things. Maybe bathroom breaks and to occasionally pick out another book, but apart from that, I was knees deep in pouring over every ounce of information I could find.

   When I got genre fatigue from doing physics only, I ventured into philosophy, encyclopedias, facts, history, some business advice, some motivational books and some classics by Charles Dickens, Roald Dahl, and a few good biographies for the sake of old times.

   I was having the time of my life, and honestly, the concept of time had completely slipped past me and flew over my head.

"Do you plan on never having food?" Someone said, dragging my attention from my book temporarily, but then I was to stuck in it, so I barely registered who it was, "or you have a secret store of fat that I can't see? You plan to hibernate?"

" what?........"

"Teagan, focus." Ares said.

"Oh no." I mumbled as I placed a bookmark on my page then looked up at him. "Will you ever leave me be?"

   He smiled at me and I resisted the urge to frown at myself for letting my insides churn.

"Sweetheart, I'm the only one who checks up on you." He said as he hauled a chair right next to me then he began fixing my face up.

"Stop it." I mumbled as he ran his hands through my hair in an attempt to smooth it.

"You're a mess, I'm not hanging out with you if you're a mess."

"Then don't hang out with me." I blinked at him.

  Ares just smiled at me.

"Do you know how long you've been in here for?" He asked. "well, considering you weren't anywhere at school, you weren't in the library, and you weren't picking up your phone, I almost assumed the worst. But then here you are."

"No big deal." I said, moving books around to search for my phone. "you just panic alot."

"I haven't seen you in four days Teagan. Not a sound, not a peep, not a message, no nothing." He said when I found my phone and it happened to be out of battery.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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