Chapter 2

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   I tapped my foot in annoyance as I tried to focus on the work in front of me and not on the fact that I was waiting to meet Ares. It was hard not to have a frown etched onto my face.
   I was seated at one of the university eating establishments of Ares' choice, going through some work as I waited for him. Half hoping he wouldn't show up and half hoping he would so that I wouldn't look like an idiot.

    He had picked the same pizza place from the night before, knowing that I wouldn't be comfortable in any fancy place he suggested, despite the fact that he would stick out like a sore thumb. Ares just couldn't look like a commoner no matter how hard he tried.

   I did not have the energy for all the crazy mood swings and random flushes that happened to me when I was around that boy whilst he just sat there unfazed.

    I had heavily considered standing him up, but he was crazy, who knew what he would do to grab my attention. So I just had to suck it up and make an appearance.
    I growled low in my throat as I angrily scribbled down solutions for my calculus task. Doing math was usually calming, but it did not help to be thinking about someone that made me want to throw up as I did the work.

    I subconsciously felt my frown deepen and my foot tap incessantly, but I didn't do anything about it, I was way to deep in my math work.

"Hey" someone said suddenly, their body hovering above my seated form.
     I froze up and basically snapped my pencil in half at the small fright. I them took a breath to steady myself as they made themselves comfortable by dragging a seat right next to me all up in my personal space.

"Why are you so tense?" the guy said.
     It was some guy. I vaguely recognized him as probably in my year or a senior, but I could already tell he was up to no good.

    His beady eyes zeroed in on my entire self, from the top of my head and down to where my legs vanished under the table. That made me uncomfortable.

    He was some sort of bad boy-ish stereotype, clearly faking it with a mohawk that didn't match his face. He looked like he screwed anything that moved and that was also heavily suggested in the way he sat all man-splained and how he was eyeing me.

"I was focusing on my work" I said with a bored face "you interrupted me"

   His eyes held a glint to them.

"So you want to act tough ..... Play hard to get" he said as he leaned in towards me
    I frowned as I scooted back a little to escape his overpowering cologne. It was a nice perfume but he didn't need to marinate in it.

"Yeah, nice try" I said "I'm not interested, get away from me"

    This only seemed to spur him on to lean even closer.

"Right" he sneered and bared his teeth "that's what they all say"

   I then firmly placed a hand on his forehead and pushed him away so I could get my personal space back.

"You aren't even my type" I said as I looked him up and down "if I were to consider wasting my time with a member of the male species ....... "

    I was cut off by the presence of another looming figure that slid into the chair right next to me. Ares scooted right up to where I was and draped an arm over my shoulder.

"He would most likely look like me" he said smoothly in his deep voice and accent.

   The other guys scoffed and so did I. I did relax just a little bit with his arm around me, but I didn't ask for saving and Ares was being obnoxious.

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