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   I was walking around the school campus with my friend Jace in the afternoon as we headed for our respective activities of the afternoon.

  He then managed to point out the fact that I had aced my exams ............ Which was unusual considering I didn't even show up for them. I technically didn't really need university education and wasn't extremely invested in it. It was my plan D in life.
   As in, the safety net to my safety net of safety nets. So in the off chance that my life spiraled and things would go south, I had something to bounce back on ........ After all my three other options were exhausted. I couldn't hide the confusion on my face.

  Jace then pointed out that a mutual friend, Lisa told him it was Teagan who took the shot for me. A banana smile decorated my face.

"Next, she is going to take a dang bullet for me." I said, wondering why she did it anyway.

"Now now relax Buddy, don't get ahead of yourself, T was just being rational." Jace said.

    T? He gave her a nickname? I slitted my eyes in a flash of enraged jealousy. I felt miserably guilty for harbouring such feelings towards Jace within the next few seconds. Being jealous and then feeling guilty for being jealous really was a terrible feeling.

    Jace was a nice guy, a social introvert, no wonder he got along with Lisa and Teagan. Even though he was practically a walking Einstein, the guy in no way showed off. Not even humble bragging. Never.
I still couldn't understand how we had been friends for so long. We were complete opposites. But then again, every introvert needs an extrovert. Balance.

"So when do you plan on telling her that you like her?" Jace asked.
   I snapped out of my thoughts and tilted my eyes up to meet his searching ones.

   Yes. Jace was taller than I.

   Yes dear reader, I am just about it as upset as you are.

"And what makes you think I like her?" I retaliated, trying not to react to fast and harshly to his question, raising an eyebrow in the end instead.

   It was very hard to conceal my emotions when it came to Teagan. Jace let out a long laugh.

"I saw Natalie yesterday," what was that about?" he said instead, diverting to the safe option of talking about one of the females that had declared herself obsessed with me. Smart move.

   He knew I always got defensive whenever we discussed Teagan. I couldn't stand it, just her name gave me goosebumps and awakened some sort of sixth, seventh and eight sense in me. None of which I could understand at all.

     Natalie. That name made me nauseous. Jace unlike any other being in my life knew almost everything about my life and relations, so it was no surprise when he recognized Natalie. He hung out at my house during the holidays and I liked to chill at his during the summer.

"Well she and Nora had to sort out some issues." I said flatly, explaining why she was at my house.

    Unlike the rest of the student society, I wasn't keen on sharing my living space with any other people, but I didn't want to be couped up with my parents in their house, so I got my own temporary house close enough to school so I would be on hand if needed, but not isolated from my day to day operations.

"Include yourself in that equation, wouldn't you?" he said seeing right through me.

"Nah, am afraid it might then be an exponential one, let's leave it linear." I said sarcasm dripping from my voice.

   Jace rolled his eyes at me. I let out a laugh. In my hands I still held the note that Teagan left for me to look for her. Her handwriting was so ugly. How could such pretty hands write so.......... I shut my eyes in an attempt to block my mind from creating more visuals of her hands. Her perfect slim pale hands.

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