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     It was raining heavily and I had to get to class, otherwise my dad wouldn't buy me the car he promised. Bullshit. I was only a block away, I could make it if I ran.

   I laughed at that thought. I couldn't afford to get my hair wet. Plus I heard there were lots of new cute guys around, I had to keep my look on point.

    I cursed my school for not making a closed hallway pavers between class blocks then checked my time a second time. I was definitely going to be late. Fighting the urge to cry, I bit my lip as my eyes stung. I really wanted that car. Remembering that cry would ruin my makeup, I decided hit my stupid books instead.

   I was so frustrated. I hated school. If it weren't for my friends and the boys, I wouldn't have been there. I grew up rich, in that sense I liked things going my way.

   I heard some footsteps behind me, but I didn't bother to look. I was busy scrutinizing the design of my nails, I loved the baby pink shade.

"Hey." the person said once they were in close range. His voice had me entranced. Swiping my hair back I raised my eyes to see who it was.

    Tall. He was tall. He was statuesque. He then removed the head cover of his raincoat thereby revealing his fluffy messy hair that seemed to enhance the look of his strong face. I was melting.

"Hi." I said smiling. Politely he returned the smile. Goodness, he had the prettiest smile.

   He further removed the rest of his rain coat. My eyes trailed down his body. He wasn't bulky, rather his muscles were defined.

"Here you go." he said as he placed the raincoat around me.
His chest was inches away. He smelled nice. Really nice.
   When he was done he moved from me. And just like that he headed for the opposite direction. In seconds he had already covered a large distance. No surprise with the long legs he had.

"I'm Nora!" I yelled hoping my voice wasn't drowned in the noise of the rain.

   He took a few more steps in his direction and then he halted.

"Ares!" He yelled back, slightly turning his body in my direction. Before I could say more, he disappeared.

    I had to find him.
Regardless of how stupidly big that university was, I was obsessed with finding him.

   Finding him wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. Nearly the whole female population knew him. And nearly all of them were obsessing over him just at first glance.
But only I could have him.

    Turned out he bunked classes and he was seldom around in school. I wondered what he did with his time. Either ways I wanted to be part of it, I wanted to be with him.

"Ares is at the pizza place." my friends giggled.

  I didn't feel like campus or class and so I laid on my bed clutching my phone with Ares' picture on the screen. It was the only image I could find. It was crazy how such an attractive person had no social media.
   Processing what my friends had just said, I leaped from my bed and rushed into the shower.
I heard them giggle some more.

"Nora this is getting serious, I have never seen you like this." Lili said. She was the sensible one among us.

"I love him!" I yelled turning the shower on.

   I rushed hoping I wouldn't run late. My mystery man liked being enigmatic. That was my chance, I needed to talk to him, get his number or something. That hide and seek game was killing me.

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