Thinking about him?

Mulai dari awal

I go downstairs and the others are still watching TV. "Okay guys then let's go." I say. "Are you ready to go?" asks Akhona. "Yeah let's just grab a snack and water then we will have brunch when we get back from hiking." We nod and i take out the snacks and water and we leave.

We walk out and we meet the tourist guide. "Hey ladies bantombazane ninjani?" he asks. (How are you guys?) "Siyaphila wena." I answer. (We are good and you.) "Ngiyaphila my name is Thutho and I'm your tourist guide. Are you guys ready for today?"(I'm good.) "Not really cause i have a serious hangover." He chuckles. "Don't worry once you start that hangover will go away." They all chuckle.

"Let's get going." he says and we follow him. "Don't try anything stupid my friend knows how to throw a mean punch." says Mihlali and we laugh. "I won't do that." he says. We get to the hiking trail and we start hiking. He tells us about the significance of this place and when it was built and yada yada things.

"This is a really beautiful place." says Akhona. "It really is." he says. "So the government tried destroying this place to create more housing for people?" asks Mihlali. "Yeah they did but we fought with them and told them that this place needs to be preserved to hike and all that and we need to appreciate nature." She nods. "If only I could take this view and put it at my house." I say.

"Just keep it in your memory and it shall last forever." he says. "That I definitely will." I say. "Okay guys are you ready for today's activities." "Yes we are." I'm feeling better after that hike but the only problem is that I'm starving and I'm losing weight by the second.

We get back to the lodge and we have brunch. "After brunch then we will get started on the activities." he says and we nod. The food here is to die for. Everything is well cooked and up to standard. I wish I can take their personal chef home with me so I can enjoy such fine cuisine for the rest of my life.

"So did you get laid last night?" asks Akhona. "As you can see I came back this morning and i could barely walk." answers Mihlali. "Is it good?" "The best I have ever had." "But he is really handsome though. Ukhete kahle." says Minentle. I was about to say something but I didn't. (You chose well.)

"Besides eating each other did you guys get to know each other?" asks Asanele. "Yes we did and we talked things out." answers Mihlali. "Okay that's good. I hope your relationship lasts." "Thank you." "Wena Amukelani we have some questions for you." "What felony am I being charged with?" I ask.

"Why were you and Sthembiso busy playing starring contest?" asks Asanele. "What starring contest are you talking about now?" I ask. "Uwazi kahle kuthi ngikhuluma ngani." (You know very well what I'm talking about.) "I have no clue please enlighten me." "And you guys nje were busy talking with each other." "Is it wrong for me to talk to him?"

"No but.." says Minetle. "But nothing can a girl just talk to whoever she wants without being questioned and there was no starring contest between me and him." I say. If only they knew things go way deeper than the starring contest..

"Okay if you say so." says Asanele while raising her hands in defeat. Me and Sthembiso should stop doing that thing in public cause we can't have more people finding out that we together.

We chill for about an hour before Thutho comes back. "Are you guys ready to go?" he asks. "Yes we are." answers Mihlali. We all stand up and follow Thuto. We get to a place where there are bikes. "Okay today's first activity is biking." he says. "We won't vomit right." I say. "No don't worry your food is digested, hopefully." We nod.

"So like there are five bikes and it will be a race. The first one to win this race will get rewarded by the end of all the activities. So there are different signs that show you where to go and they will lead you guys back here. So are you ready?" he asks. "Hell yeah!" "Okay i love the enthusiasm now it shows that you guys are awake." We laugh.

"Put on your helmets and choose whichever bike you want." he says. We put on our helmets and i climb on one of the bikes. "On your marks, get set, ready, fire. Go!" We start racing and i was in second place with Mihlali being number one. For a person who has aching legs she sure does have the energy to go.

Mihlali wins and i come in second place. For a person that had a terrible babalaza I sure am proud of myself. "We have a winner and its Mihlali." says Thuto. "Didn't you say that you got laid to the point where your legs have the inability to work properly?" asks Asanele. "Guys when it comes to sports I'm very competitive and my legs feel better now after that hike." answers Mihlali.

We continue with the rest of the activities and Mihlali won in each and every round. She ended up wining a dairy milk chocolate and she shared it with us. Such a good friend. I honestly wish her the best with Simphiweyinkosi and he better treat her right otherwise I will deal with him myself.

"I can't believe this is the last day." says Minentle. "I'm also sad that it's the last day but at least I'm coming to Joburg for a few days so we can link up sometime." I say. "Really?" "Yeah I need to meet my niece and talk to my dad about something." "You wanna tell him about bae." "No not that." They laugh.

"So how does bae treat you?" asks Asanele. "He treats me very well." I answer honestly. I won't lie guys Sthembiso treats me well and the feelings that I have for him are still there which increases the guilt that I have. "Do you love him?" "No i don't love him I just have feelings for him." That's the first time i actually admitted it and felt something move in my heart. I can feel my cheeks heating up and they smile.

"Ncoo look at you blushing." says Mihlali. "Whatever Ms. I'm giving him another chance." I say and we laugh. "When you in a relationship do you always think about your partner?" asks Akhona. "I guess but mina his not always on my mind phela i need to make money to survive." We all laugh.

"How did you guys meet?" asks Minentle. "We met somewhere and we exchanged numbers and here we are a couple of months later." I answer. "The way you so discreet and careful about what information you sharing." "I'll tell you the details properly once its like serious and all that." "You better phela you leaving us on a cliffhanger."

"I hope he treats you right for his sake." says Mihlali. "Yeah he is and if he messes up then it's over for him." I say and we laugh. My friends think that when we laugh about killing I'm actually joking not knowing very well that that's what I will do to the person should they mess with me.

We spent the rest of the day talking about love and money and our families while getting pampered. Let me not say we cause mina i was too busy thinking about him and the fact that the statement when I said I do like him actually left an impact on me....

Assassin Love ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang