Chapter 1

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***Hi guys. This is my second story on Wattpad. I hope you like it. Thanks for coming to thi story and special thanks to the readers who came here after reading Angelus Academiae.***
Ryoko's P.O.V.:-
I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I wanted to just turn it off and return back to my sleep. I groaned and turned over. I used the pillow to block my ears and I was about shut the alarm and go back to my precious sleep when I remembered what today was.

Today was such an important day. Afterall, it was 13th Birthday. And ofcourse, the day when I was going to know my element and start my vampiric abilities training.

I shut the alarm off, got up from my bed and went to the balcony. There I met and greeted Kiwi, a parrot who comes to my balcony everyday.

I went back inside and into the bathroom. I freshed up and got back to my room. I wore a light blue t-shirt that matched to the color of my eyes, my dark blue denim jacket, and ripped jeans that matched to the colour of my denim jacket, and ofcourse, how can I forget my favourite smartwatch.

I grabbed my phone and went to the kitchen. I made some pancakes and took a glass of fresh fruit juice. After that, I wore my black and blue sport shoes, grabbed my headphones and bag, and left for school. Good thing that our school doesn't have a uniform.

I looked at my smartwatch as it showed that the time was 7:30am. I went straight to Aine's house as we go to school together. I waited for her in her living room when I heard her shouting from her room. Without any second thoughts, I headed to her room to find her trying to hide in a corner.

When I entered the room, she said, "There is something in that corner." I went to the corner to the corner at which she was pointing, to find a sparrow hidden underneath a sheet a paper.

I carefully picked it up in my palms and showed it to Aine. I said, "Calm down Aine, here, this is the 'something' that you were being scared of." Aine let out a sigh of relief as the bird flew from my hands to Aine, and then out of room through an open window.

After that, I noticed that Aine was wearing a red tank top with black jeans. I asked her,"Can we go now?" And she replied with a nod. She wore red and black platform heels,which actually looked more like boots, and we left for school.

On our way, we discussed what my element could be, and she showed me some fire tricks that she had learnt recently, after her 13th Birthaday which was just a week ago. Her element was fire which actually suited her, because she when she is angry, she is as dangerous as fire.

She also showed me some tricks using her vampiric abilities. Soon we reached the woods. Just a few minutes after entering the woods, I started to get a feeling of being followed. I asked Aine if she was feeling the same. She nodded and said, "Yes, I thought I was the only one who was feeling like this. I guess we shall keep movin' we don't wanna be late afterall."

We increased the pace of our walking untill we were practically running. After sometime, I stopped and so did I. She asked me why and I answered that maybe its time for fight and not flight. I turned back to see who or what the stalker was. There was nothing behind.

Maybe this feeling of being followed was not correct.

Then we again started moving towards our school, but this time, more cautiously. Soon we reached our school and the feeling of being followed faded away. We entered our school and departed as we she was ina different class.

I entered my classroom and straightaway headed to my desk. There, Terra my desk partner and I, discussed what my element could be. We came to a conclusion that water has the most chances of being my element.


During lunch break, I sat with Aine and Terra in the cafeteria. Soon we were joined by Aella, our good friend, whose is an air elemental. I greeted her, "Hi girl, how're you?" She replied, "I am fine Ryoko. So, you must be excited about today. Afterall, today you'll get to know your element."

I nodded and Terra said, "I think her element is water. What do you guys think?" We all agreed and had a small discussion while eating lunch.


The other classes also passed away. Finally it was time for me to go to the Element Expert to know my element. School was over so, Aine, Terra and Aella also joined me.

We went back to our houses to get ready. Then they all came to my house and we left for the Element Expert. The Element Expert's cabin was on the other side of the woods.

Soon we crossed the woods, we had a good 20 minutes walk, and finally, we reached the Element Expert's cabin. The cabin was neither too big nor too small. The outer walls were of different colours. Each wall had a design that suited one element each. I knocked on the old wooden door a few times, and it opened with a creaking sound.

The cabin had wooden interior that gave a comfy feeling. There were two windows in the cabin. In the middle of the cabin, there was a wooden table on which a glass ball was placed. An old woman was sitting behind the table.

She called me to her, "Come here dear child." I went to her. She signalled me to sit on the chair beside her. I sat on that chair. She then said, "Place your hands on this glass ball. It will tell you your element." Just like she said, I placed my hands on the glass ball and it began to glow with blue light. My friends were standing beside me, witnessing this miracle, and for Aine and Aella, witnessing this miracle once more.

The light began to came out from the ball and started circle me. After sometime, the light stopped circling me and went to the water symbol on the roof. Soon the water symbol began to glow brightly.

Seeing this, The Element Expert said, "Your element is water, my child. You are a water elemental." I thanked her and we left her office. Soon we were discussing about my newly found element and how we all were right in guessing it. After around 20 minutes, we reached the forest. This time I wanted to go to the waterfall first.

We all went to the waterfall and relaxed there. We knew that my element could be water because of many reasons. Like how water relaxed me so much, how I love water and all the creatures that live in it, how it rained whenever I was very sad or very angry, and the list goes on and on.

We spent much time there and as we were about to leave, I heard some noise coming from behind the trees near the waterfall. I told everyone, "You guys can go, I will join after sometime. Please don't wait for me." Everyone was hesitant but Aine said, "Ok, I guess you need some time with this waterfall, alone."

I shall spend some time here, alone. Maybe I just need water. But first I will check that sound out.

I nodded and they left. Once they left, I went towards the place from which the sound was coming. When I reched that place, I removed the leaves which were lying upon something which was shaking. I almost squealed when I saw what the thing was. It was an egg, but the size of a schoolbag.

I examined it and carefully brought it to our hide-out, which was a cave behind the waterfall. There I lit up a small fire, and made a small pile of pillows and carefully placed the egg on it.

I sat near the egg for some time and as I was about to leave, a notification popped up on my phone's screen. It was from our group.

Aine: Meet me at our hideout. I have to discuss something.

Terra: Ok

Aella: Sorry guys I can't come. I have to go somewhere.

Aine: It's Ok

I sent a message that I am already there. I waited there for some time. After around 10 minutes, they all, other then Aella, arrived. By the time they had arrived, I had already hid the egg because I felt like it was not the right time to talk about it. We all asked Aine why she called us.

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