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Alarm blaring I groaned at the thought of getting up. This weekend did a number on me and I was not feeling it. Getting the alarm turned off I rolled out of bed so I could go get Arthur up for school. Making my way out the room I walked down the corridor to wake him up. Opening the door I found him sprawled out on the bed sound asleep. Smiling at the sight I walked over to the bed to wake him. 

Placing my hand on his back I shook him slightly. "Arty time to wake up," I spoke softly. Stirring a bit he eventually sat up stretching. Picking him up I carried him to the kitchen setting him in the chair. Walking over to the cabinet by the fridge I grabbed his sippy cup, reaching in the freezer I placed a few ice cubes in it before filling it up with apple juice. 

Handing it to him I asked what he wanted for breakfast. He wanted waffles with apples, thankfully he choose apples because I wasn't in the mood of washing strawberries off the face. Grabbing the waffles from the freezer I grabbed two, one for him and one for me. Tossing them in the toaster I grabbed a mug from the cup cabinet and placed it under the keurig spout. Grabbing a pod from the carousel I placed one in the top, pushing the lid down I chose the size and let it make. 

"So how'd you sleep last night?" I ask Arty as I grabbed the creamer from the fridge. 

"Slept good," he replied yawning. 

"That's good, ready to go learn something new today at school?" I ask grabbing some paper plates for the waffles. 

"Yeah, that reminds me," getting up from his seat he walked to the front door. Moments later he returned with his bookbag. Opening it he handed me his good behaviour sheet, analysing it I noticed he had green dots all of last week. "You have to sign that you seen my paper," he motioned to the paper. 

"Look at you go, you know if you get all green dots this month you get to have lunch with me at work," I mention grabbing a pen from the junk basket. Signing off that I recognised his good behaviour I looked for other things that might need signing. Upon looking through I found a few drawings he had made. "Can I put these on my fridge?" 

"Yeah," he agreed. With the toaster going off I put away his things so he wouldn't get food on it. Grabbing the waffles I let them cool a moment while I grabbed the syrup and apples from the fridge. Quickly tearing the waffles before burning myself I drizzled syrup on his plate with the apples in a small bowl. Handing him his food I finished with my coffee before taking my place at the table with him. 

He ended up eating his whole waffle and almost all his apples. When he was finished I took him to the bathroom so I could give him a bath before going to school. While running the bath I walked to his room getting something for him to wear. Checking the weather it was supposed to get in the low seventies. So I grabbed a pair of khaki pants, a white and mustard yellow striped long sleeve shirt. Searching the sock drawer I found some matching long socks and picked out his high top white shoes. 

Grabbing some underwear for him I carried his clothes to the bathroom to find him sitting on the toilet waiting. Checking the temp of the bath it was just right so I turned the water off. Helping him undress I lifted and placed him in the tub. Grabbing the pitcher thing meant for wetting hair I dunked water over him causing him to laugh. Next I retrievd the kids two in one shampoo conditioner stuff that was floating in the tub. Getting a small amount I scrubbed his head with my nails and always he closed his eyes a shiver taking over. 

After scrubbing his head I grabbed his scrubby putting soap on it. He knew the drill so he stood up so I could scrub him down, as always I tickled him causing him to giggle and get away from me. Grabbing the cup I rinsed him off before rinsing his hair. Now that he was clean I picked him up placing him on the floor mat. Grabbing the towel from the counter I wrapped it around him, quickly drying him off I helped him get dressed. Saving his shoes for later I sprayed some hair treatment stuff in it. It helped his curls kick, and ever since he saw me doing it he wanted to do it. 

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