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Her outfit for the night, plus what she looks like

Grumbling to myself I walked through my room looking for what was needed for the night. Looking through my closet I decided on the baby pink satin dress to go over the lingerie. It was a pink out theme tonight so I dug around my moving boxes finding the matching lingerie set. Digging through the shoe box I eventually found the pink heels that go with this fit. Satisfied with everything I walked over to the vanity to do some makeup, nothing major. I made sure to do my brows, some eye shadow that was glittery and highlighter. Lining my lips I tossed everything in my to-go bag so I could start on my way. 

Just as I walked out the house my grandma was calling, answering as I opened the car door I heard my little brother's voice on the other side. "Mommy, can I come over?" Arty questioned from the other end. 

"Not tonight buddy I have night shift," I answered, closing the door. I could hear him sigh from the other end of the line. 

"Then, then, can you get me tomorrow?" his voice had gotten whiny. 

"Yes Arty I'll come pick you up tomorrow, but I have to get going before I'm late. I love you and I'll see you tomorrow," I say in a cheerful voice. 

"Ohkay, see you tomorrow, I love you," with that he ended the call. Letting out a sigh I hopped in the drivers seat. The thought of having him there at my grandmas sadden me because I wasn't there for him.


Parking in the back I sighed before getting out, grabbing my perfume I covered myself in it so I could smell nice. I never liked not being able to smell myself. Going through the back door the music was sorta muffled from the front room. Walking to the changing room I changed into my attire for the night before tossing my bag in the locker. Going to an open vanity I made sure my hair looked ohkay and put in my earrings. 

"Loralie don't you look good tonight," Sarah mused sitting next to me. She was wearing pink lingerie along with a bathrobe on loosely tied in the front. 

"Yeah I tried, thought I was never going to find what was needed," I joke getting up from my seat. 

"Oh yeah you just moved into a house, how do you like it?" she questioned looking up at me. 

"It's ohkay, I just have to finish getting things for the kitchen," I explain fixing my outfit in the mirror. She laughed while getting up to make sure she her outfit looked ohkay before we walked out to the front room. 

Entering the room it was packed, as it was every Saturday night that I work. Some girls were standing in the windows moving in their enticing ways to lure more costumers in. Making my way to the bar I spoke to Rege the bartender for a while. "I think this is the busiest I've seen us in a while," he mentioned sliding my drink to me. 

"Yeah, bringing in a lot of money. Maybe then we could update the bedrooms," I joke before taking a sip of my drink. 

"Or we could fix up the front room making it more appealing," he brought up. He wasn't wrong the front room needed updated furniture. As I was finishing up my drink Sarah walked up to me. 

"We're needed at table six," she informed. "Also Rege we need two bottles on ice." nodding he walked off gathering our things. As we waited on our things she let me know what type of guys we were dealing with. She pointed out that she thinks they're cops but here for their own pleasure. Plus one guy was a regular because she sees him almost every weekend. 

Each grabbing a bucket plus glasses she and I made our way to the group of men sitting in the private booth. Some other girls had made their way over here since seven men had occupied the space. It was fairly dim in the front room besides the strobe lights that bounced around along with the LED strips that lined the table. 

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