Chapter 22

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Pic above is what Elijah looks like


I felt my shoulder being shaken and woke up to find my dad shaking me.

"Time for dinner kiddo, then you can go back to sleep."

"What time is it papa?"

"It is 6:30-Australian time" I nodded before returning my chair to its upright position and stretching my back. I looked to the tray in front of me and saw schnitzel with chips. I turned to my dad and found him eating a steak

"You know, you really should cut down on those, wouldn't want your ticker to stop working before you and Sue finally get together and give me another sibling," All my dad is give me a shove in the shoulder before telling me

"I don't like Sue and even if I did -which i don't- she isn't even into me, And I don't think either of us are able enough to have another kid. I mean we are nowhere near as young as we used to be" I just laugh

"Yeah, yeah. Keep telling yourself that," I look down at my plate and dig in. After I'm done I grab my phone and open messages, I open sue's contact before typing

(Italics are Sue, Bold is Kat)

Hey sue I had a question?

Sure what is it

Do you like my dad by any chance, I mean you two are so cute together. I was just wondering if you had feelings for him

Did Charlie put you up to this?


Then fine yes I like your father but if you tell him-I swear Kat

Knew it ;) And you swear what

If you tell your father I will ban you from seeing the pack-especially Leah for 2 months after you get back

You stone cold bitch, this is why I love you so much

I love you too Kat, Now get some sleep you have a little munchkin to see

Ok night, night sue-tell the pack I say and tell Le-Le I love her

Will do Kat, good night

And with that I turned off my phone and got comfortable on my chair. I closed my eyes and sleep quickly found me.

I get woken up by the feeling of someone brushing my stomach and doing my seatbelt up. I open my eyes to find my dad doing my seatbelts up.

"Did I wake you up? I swear I didn't mean it," I shook my head and finished off tightening my belt. I put a small amount of pressure on my stomach again. As the plane touched the ground it sent a shudder through the plane that caused me to accidentally put too much weight on my stomach causing me to swear under my breath a little.

As my dad and I stepped out of the airport and out into the -mostly- sleeping city. I see a familiar car parked a little ways up with an even more familiar figure walking away from it. I ditched my luggage before sprinting as fast as I could at the figure. My stomach was killing me but I ignored it. When I got close enough I jumped into their arms.

"LIJAH!!!!!! I missed you!" I screamed not caring if I sounded like a small child. He just chuckled

"I missed you too young one,"He carried me back to my dad before placing me down. He extended his hand towards my dad

"It is a pleasure to meet you sir, I have heard a lot about you and am pleased to make your acquaintance," Dad took his hand and gave it a firm shake

"The pleasure is mine, it was a relief to find out my daughter had someone here looking out for her. You have no idea how happy I was when I found out." Lijah couldn't help but chuckle, he grabbed my bags and as he went to grab my dads his hand was slapped by my father.

"Alrighty then, shall we get going. If we leave now we can have you all settled in by the time the little demon" I slapped him on the head "Sorry, little angel wakes up for the day." I give a nod before walking past him and to the car. I open the boot and help put all the luggage in.

"Hey Kitten, what seat do you want me in?" I hear my father ask.

"Any seat papa, Lij won't mind. Although it might be easier for you to sit in the back given the fact that the cars in Australia are arranged differently to those in AMerica."

"S'pose you are right, what side is Linc's seat on?" Lijah interrupts saying his seat is on the right side of the car. My dad heads to the left backseat door as I slide into the passenger seat. I sit down and hear something squeak, so I lift my butt up and grab what was there. I pull it out to find it is one of Linc's toys.

"Seriously Lijah?" He looks up at me in confusion then his gaze lands on the toy

"WH-that little shit, he must have thrown it. He was chucking a fit about it earlier and I was forced to put your piano on to calm him down."

"What piano?" my dad asks from the backseat.

"Kat took up piano a few years back as a side hobby to keep herself entertained." My dad makes an OH! Face before he sits back.

"I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear you call my on that by the way,"

"WHAT! You and I both know it is true"

"He is not! You just have a knack for annoying him," I stuck my tongue out at him to find my dad looking between Lij and I. He mouthed 'are you two?'

"Dad! NO! Lijah is gay." Lijah then started laughing. My dad spent the next 5 minutes profusely apologising to Lijah before he was reassured that it was fine.

Katherine Amelia SwanWhere stories live. Discover now