Colossus x Kitty Pryde-

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A/N: do I need to put in trigger warnings so people see what they will be reading? I find it helpful but I'm not the reader so tell me what you think.😍 enjoy

" and as Mr. Rasputin will demonstrate, the molecular changes that occur during the use of our mutant abilities can be painless or quite the opposite" kitty said with a smile as her students watched with varying levels of interest. Piotr removed his sweater to reveal a casual t-shirt and then tensed slightly before fully transforming into his mutated state and back again. " my mutation makes me virtually indestructible." he said in his thick native tongue, " but it does not hurt me to transform, whereas mutants like Sunspot can only transform and exert his power for small periods without becoming exhausted or even burning himself. Mutants like mystique, wolverine, and Ms. Pryde here well as myself can transform without pain" Piotr was quite proud of how his English had progressed with the help of kitty.
A bell rang for recess and kitty dismissed the class, " shit! The Homework" kitty said under her breath and looked to Piotr who was putting his sweater back on, he smiled awkwardly at her and walked over to her, he sat on the edge of the desk. "Can I ask you a question, miss?" Piotr grinned down at her due to how short she was even in a chair.
"That depends on the question Mr. Rasputin" kitty's smile radiated larger than life itself.
"What are you doing tonight, for dinner?"
" I'm going out with you, isn't that what you want?" kitty couldn't read minds but at that moment Piotr wondered if she read his mind or his heart.
"Da, it is" At that moment he was emitting so much happiness that she would hear his heartbeats and sense his breaths shortening.
She hooked her arm in the crook of his and they locked the classroom door behind him.

Word count: 330

I lovee this ship so much but we didn't get enough or any. This scene was inspired by the end scene in days of the future past when logan is walking through the manor halls.
Have a wondeful day, sorry i didnt post yesterday🥰😍😘😍🥰

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