Phoenix Force- Jean Grey (Marvel Girl/ Phoenix)

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A/N: I'm writing this from Jean's perspective, and its a bit of a plot twist, please enjoy!

I felt its presence before it entered me. But once it did it felt like I was on fire, burning with white-hot flames from the inside out. I absorbed millions of years' worth of knowledge and experience, and I became aware of galaxies and pocket dimensions, the vast and beautiful multiverse. The pain became irrelevant as I could feel every microbe within my being.
The being became one with me and I became one with it. We screamed as it latched onto my heart and brain, our body convulsed as it took control of every nerve in my body.
I was still, it was still, we were still. The space around me was vibrant, I could see in every color possible.
"Jean!" I heard Scott scream, as he floated toward me and pulled me into a tight embrace. "Well check you out when we get back to base."
*At the manor*
"And you're sure you're okay?" Scott said cautiously.
"Yes, come here," I said with a seductive smile, he obliged and moved to kiss me, I placed one hand at his jaw and the other in his hair at the crown of his head.
And I snapped his neck, so quickly he didn't even scream. His body dropped with a heavy clunk. This pathetic race would be the next to fall.

To be continued.....

Word count: 260
Hope you guys enjoyed it, I like this one. Very sinister. I might start to post on the noticeboard what do you think?

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