Saving you - Alex Summers (Havok)

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Jade Levine

Powers- telekinesis, element manipulationWeakness- exhausts easily, inexperienced with her powers

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Powers- telekinesis, element manipulation
Weakness- exhausts easily, inexperienced with her powers

The metallic blood that dripped from her mouth stained the grey material of her uniform, she looked up after stony scrapes signaled her attention. She looked up as the only remaining structure around her began to fall. She turned on her heel and ran away from the crumbling remains but tripped on the body of a small boy, she rolled onto her back and used the palms of her hands to scamper away. "Jade!" she turned her head as Alex ran towards her, he fell onto his back and slid under the imminently falling wall. Jade closed her eyes and instinctively raised her arms as Alex's body collided with hers. Suddenly she was in the cage his body had made around hers, she looked past his oceanic eyes to the wall, floating patiently above them.
" we should probably move, huh?"
"Yeah probably," Alex said with a boyish grin, he clasped his hands beneath jade and rolled them out as she sagged with exhaustion and the wall fell around them. Alex sat up and cradled Jade in his lap as thin blood gushed from both her nostrils.
She coughed as he hooked an arm beneath her knees and shoulders.

Alex carried her to the jet and laid her down across the seats carefully, retrieving a blanket and covering her with it.
"What happened to her?" Kurt asked as he apparated beside Alex.
"JESUS CHRIST! Kurt, she's just exhausted." Alex said, shaking his head as he sat down beside her. The flight was bumpy but Alex kept a hand resting on Jade's shoulder. When they landed Alex put her on a stretcher, he and peter carried her to her room but Alex told peter he could handle the rest, leaving only him and jade in her room.
He shifted her fragile body onto the bed, she felt featherlight like a hollow-boned bird. Her hair and skin were almost the same milky color but her eyes were euphorically dark, he sighed and turned to leave but she caught his hand. Still asleep she began muttering noiselessly, "Hold me, please. Alex, Alex" Alex's brows rose as a smirk grew across his face.
"Not today Jade, one day" he promised as he leaned down and kissed her forehead before slipping out of her room silently. She smiled as she opened her eyes slightly, "one day" she promised.

Word count: 408

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