Chapter 5 : Blood Is Thicker Than Water

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“... Don't you need to catch your beauty sleep?”

Fu Yue glanced at the time on the screen and looked back at his big brother with a hint of disgust, “How about you go catch some beauties in your sleep?”

Fu Zhen: “...”

As a dominant Alpha whom others avoided and submitted before his presence, Fu Zhen’s eyes twitched fiercely at his little brother’s joke.

Reaching out to take away the laptop, he chased him away, “Go to sleep, and don't let me catch you playing games in your room later on!”

Being chased by the room owner, Fu Yue merely shrugged and obediently went back to his room.

Upon his return, he didn't sleep as told and went surfing on the internet about TBH after letting the game download in the background.

A lot of information popped up almost immediately and Fu Yue was amazed at how booming the esport industry was.

Back in his world, although the perception of the public toward pro gamers shifted in recent years, no parents would like their children to pursue this career.

Frankly speaking, they didn't even think of this as a career but something that kids who were not good at studying do.

Initially, Fu Yue was just a casual player who played well and became popular within his friend circles.

Gradually, his name spread to other classes and soon, he started his side job at the internet cafe.

There was no shortage of wealthy young masters who were generous in paying him to accompany them in their games or boost their accounts.

With the money he earned, he bought a cheap computer and other equipment to do live streaming while still studying.

He didn't earn much but it was more than enough to pay for his tuition and living expenses.

Fu Yue didn't plan to go to college. He intended to become a full-time streamer after graduating from high school.

But things changed when he got an invitation to join INF.

Since he had nothing to lose by accepting, he decided to embark on the road to become a professional player.

While reminiscing, Fu Yue admired the countless stunning splash art of champions, skins, and maps. Shortly after, photos of TBH’s events and tournaments resurfaced.

A lot of unknown faces dressed in various uniforms popped up and Fu Yue couldn't help but be amazed once more, “Woah… Is this a rom-com esport drama? How come everyone is so good-looking???”

Perhaps, since the esport industry was competitive, it attracted a lot of young and hot-blooded Alpha to explore this area.

Alphas were superior in terms of appearance and abilities, it was no wonder everyone was so eye-catching.

While busily scrolling down the phone, Fu Yue who intended to stay on the internet for another hour suddenly felt the drowsiness kick in.

Given that this body was much weaker and more delicate than his real body, Fu Yue decided not to be stubborn and was about to exit Baidu.

[A/N: Baidu: China’s largest and most widely used search engine, much like Google.]

Just as he was about to go back to the home screen, his eyes were unintentionally caught by a certain tall figure causing his drowsiness to instantly disappear.

There were a lot of people in a single frame with smiles plastered all over their faces happily lifting a silver trophy.

Coffetis of various colors raining from above fell onto everyone including the young man.

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