Chapter 8: Upgrades

Start from the beginning

Andy: "Oi! Wait!" he yelled, "I AIN'T LETTING YA JUST TURN MY SHIP INTO.....well whatever you have planned!"

Missouri chuckled before slowing down to let me catch up.

Alex: "Relax man, I won't go overboard, it'll be like a.....hybrid of sorts, now don't worry your little noggin on that." he said, flicking my forehead.

I reel back in pain as Missouri sprinted off, I rub the sore spot before running into Belfast.

Andy: "Oh! Hi Belfast, can you point me in the direction of my ship?" he asked, "All my stuff is still in there and I need a change of clothes."

Belfast: "Hmhmhm, sure," she said, pointing to my wrecked ship, "It's on the far side of the dock next to Miss Enterprise's ship."

Andy: "Thanks Bel." he said as he left for that pier.

When he arrived he couldn't help but feel sad, this was his ship, and it looked absolutely horrible. Even if this wasn't his ship and it were someone else's, he would've felt sad to see any machine in this state of being.

Luna sighed and climbed aboard, he made his way to his cabin, dragging his hand along his ship's streamlined and angular lines. Once he made it to his cabin, he closed the door and looked at the potion in his hand, it was eerily similar to the health potion in Diablo.

Nevertheless he chugged it and within minutes his arm had completely healed up, so he grabbed his casual clothes, engaged his rigging and made his way to Missouri's permanent berth for him to lead the way.

Andy: "Oi! Alex?!" he yelled.

A chuckle was heard as Missouri leaned over the railing of his ship which had been completely repaired.

Alex: "Ahoy there land lover!" he yelled.

Luna chuckled before jumping up to Missouri and facing him.

Andy: "So....what exactly are ya gonna do to my ship?" he asked.

Alex: "Well for starters lemme say, with no offense intended, that while I served on your sucks ass and it really doesn't fit into this age of warfare." he said.

Andy: 'No shit Sherlock.' he thought sarcastically.

Alex: "So, me and Alice will be retrofitting your ship to be more useful in this era." he said.

Andy: "Hold the fuck up, who's Alice?!" he yelled.

Alex: "-Don't worry," he carried on, ignoring my cry, "you'll still have all the modern things that actually help such as your missiles and RADAR, but after I'm done with ya, you'll be faster, stronger, and able to take a hit from a cruiser better!"

Luna nodded numbly, how the hell was he gonna make a tiny 2,600 ton Frigate able to stand toe-to-toe with something like a 9,000 ton Cruiser, he had no idea.

Alex: "Alright follow me." he said, beckoning me to follow, "The area I'm about to show you is top of the line secret, tell anyone and I mean anyone about this place and I will not hesitate to sink your ass!"

Luna pisses his pants a little and nods. Missouri nods and leads him into a cave. Both of us walk through the cave for a little distance before arriving at a small lake.

Alex: "Summon your ship." he said.

Luna did just that and the wrecked frigate appeared in a flash of light. Missouri gave Luna a cocky-ass smirk before a bright flash which jump scared me, I look to the side and see the USS Alaska next to me.

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