Chapter twenty-six

Start from the beginning

The next day was Sunday, which was race day! We went to the track a bit later than usual, but it was fine really. We arrived at the ferrari hospitality where we talked a bit with the different people here, which was nice.
I started to feel a bit dizzy so I sat down to take a little break. "Are you alright?" Nicholas asked as he saw me. "Yeah, I'm fine" I said and smiled, pretending I was completely fine. "Olivia, you don't look fine. Do you want me to get Charles?" he asked, looking worried. "No! He has to focus on the race, he needs this race to be good.. I'll be fine, just need to sit here for a bit" I said. I really didn't want him to go get Charles, since I didn't want him to worry about me while racing, he needed to have a good race, especially after the two other days. "Fine I won't tell, but if something happens, you tell me!" he insisted and I agreed on the deal, as long as he wont tell..

The weather was terrible today, there was lots of heavy rain all the time. So the start was delayed by 25 minutes. When the 25 minutes were up the formation lap began with a safety car in front. It was still raining a lot.. When the formation lap was almost over it was decided they couldn't drive in these conditions so the start procedure was suspended and the safety car lead the drivers into pitlane again..

The drivers got out of the cars and walked into the garage. "What's your thoughts on the weather?" I asked Charles as he came to sit next to me. "It's not responsible to drive in these conditions" he said and I agreed. Some of the other drivers, Max included, didn't think it was too bad. "I agree, wasn't it hard to see anything out there?".. "Very much.. I dunno if this race will take place, it's already been more than half an hour" Charles said.. I had my doubts too, but only time would tell.

It had now been an hour and a half since the race officially had to start, and there were still no updates. Everyone was really bored, and just waited for the stupid rain to be less heavier. It looked like if the race would ever begin, it would be a timed race than a race with the maximum amount of laps.
Carlos and Charles looked so tired, and we're almost sleeping. They both sat down on some boxes leaning their head on the wall, with their eyes closed. It was cute.
The cameras filmed at Lando, who was also half asleep, Seb and Mick played football in the haas garage and some people were playing cars, everyone was so bored.

Finally after three hours of waiting, the race could begin. It was now a timed race with only 53 minutes left. The safety car set off with the cars following. There were still some rain and it didn't look good in my opinion..

After only three laps completed the race got red flagged again, the drivers couldn't see anything and they couldn't keep the warmth in their tyres, so it was decided that they should once again return to pit. With only 45 minutes left it didn't look good, but points could now be given out since they had completed two full laps, only half points would be given though.

A short wait after the race was called off and would not resume, since the forecast said rain would not stop until many hours. That meant the race was over and Max had "won"..
The podium was a weird one, since it didn't feel like a real podium because they only drove three laps today, but it was with Max in first, George in second and Lewis in third. It was good for Max because then he would get more points in the championship battle..

Almost every driver wrote a message to the awesome fans out there, since they had been waiting for hours and for no reason. Some of them have just been waiting patiently at home while some have literally spent six or seven hours on the track in the heavy rain. They are really awesome.

We didn't celebrate after the race as we usually did, we just went to eat dinner and stay in the hotel until tomorrow when we are headed to the Netherlands again..

Charles and I arrived at the hotel after we ate some dinner with some of the other drivers, it was great.
"I don't feel so good" I said and grabbed the railing on the stairs, since we were walking up the stairs and suddenly felt nauseous.. "Chill, don't hurry we have all the time we need" Charles said and waited for me, we walked slowly up to the floor where our room was. I managed to get into the room with some support from Charles, I didn't feel good right now..

I laid down in bed which helped a bit. "Here drink this" Charles said and gave me some ice water. "Thanks.." I said and took a sip of the water.
"Is this the first time you felt like this?" He asked worriedly. " I got dizzy earlier..but never felt nauseous like this" I answered and sat the glass on the nightstand.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. "I didn't want you to worry" I said looking down, knowing he didn't wanna hear that.. "Olivia please, you are one of the most important people in my life, so if anything happens you let me know alright?" He said and placed his hand in mine. "I promise, I love you" I said and went for a kiss. "I love you too," he said and smiled.

The rest of the night went by slowly. I kept feeling a bit dizzy and nauseous, but it helped to take some painkillers and just chill. Charles kept checking in on how I felt, he was and is the best..

(2745 words)
What a "race" sucks they couldn't get to drive.. and how exciting is it for Carlos and Isa!!❤️
Can't wait to see what will happen..

Hope you liked the chapter, I'll try to publish one more this week.

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