Pushed Out

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"Two months" Alice stated and Adrian looked at her confused "We've been here two months, practicing for three weeks and I still suck" She groaned lowering her gun "But out of all of us, you're still the best with the bow and arrow. We all have our strengths and weaknesses" He reassured her, handing her the bow. The sound of metal clanging together drew their attention to Warren and Ronan who were fighting with their battle axe and swords.

Adrian had changed his Mace and Chain to his sniper rifle that he was holding at the moment and Connor did that same with his spear, which he actually regretted grabbing from the museum, seeing as it snapped and he would've been bitten if it wasn't for Merle stabbing it. So he was with Merle by the shed who was teaching him how to clean and disassemble/reassemble his rifle. Alice pulled back on her bow and and released the arrow, hitting the target dead center. 

"Beside, it'll be better if we all had yer skills for when we run out of bullets" He smiled, clapping a hand onto her shoulder. "Well if you guys would like a lesson I'd be willing to teach" She smiled, bumping his shoulder with hers. 

"Ya slide this part into here, the ya gotta push it in and yer done" Merle instructed, showing the teen who nodded before pulling at back apart, sliding the pieces over the table to him. It was hard to relearn to do things one handed but he was getting better, the gun was pretty hard but wiping his ass seemed to be the hardest thing, seeing as he was right handed and only had his left hand.

But Connor was currently in the same boat, with two of his fingers still healing, only he didn't tell Merle he could easily use both hands for anything, it didn't feel right to tell him. He easily followed Merle's instructions and reassembled the gun. Though he messed up the last part and pinched the skin between his index finger and thumb. "Fuck!" He hissed, yanking his hand away and wrapping the bottom of his shirt around it to stem the flow.

"Ya gotta stop hurting yer hands, ya need those" Merle snickered, gently pushing him towards the trailer "Go git patched up" He advised as he walked over to watch Warren and Ronan. "I still don' understand why ya wanna keep those things" Merle scoffed, quickly ducking as Warren threw her axe at him, Ronan slashed at her at the same time and sliced open her arm. He dropped the sword and rushed to her "Shit 'm  sorry War" He stated as he held his hand around the bleeding cut.

Alice and Adrian ran over "Move," The redhead stated, shoving Ronan out of the way. She ripped the rest of the sleeve off to reveal the wound and sighed "Good news is you won't need stitches, bad news is your shirts ruined" She smiled and Warren scoffed "No it's not" She stated, using her dagger to cut off the other sleeve "There, perfectly fine" She smirked, heading inside to patch up her arm.

"I'm sorry" Ronan stated again, picking up her axe after tucking his swords into their sheaths "It's fine Ro, Merle distracted us. I didn't mean to throw my axe at you, you startled me and it slipped from my hands" She told Merle who rolled his eyes "Sure Terminator, ya just wanted ta be rid'a Ol' Merle" The man sniffed, clutching the front of his tank top "Now that ya are all doin' better ya wanted a mutiny" Ronan's face fell at his words.

"Dude, it was an accident, you startled her. None of us want ya gone" He stated quickly, jumping slightly when Merle threw his arm around the boys shoulders, ruffling his hair as best as he could with the metal piece "I'm joking kid. All in good fun" He reassured and felt the tension leave Ronan's shoulders as he nodded. "Could you really not tell?" He asked and Ronan shook his head "My 'people skills' are 'rusty' Merle" He stated and Adrian laughed at the reference.

"Nerd" Merle rolled his eyes as they entered the house "You understood that?" Alice asked and Merle nodded "Kinda. Its from that one show where the monster hunter wants ta bang the angel" Warren laughed so hard she ended up snorting at the explanation. Connor was standing in the kitchen making something with chunks of rabbit and venison for the others when he saw Warren "I'm good" She waved him off before he could walk over, sitting on the couch to let Alice patch her arm up. 

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