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Sleep didn't come easy that night, group had piled together on Simon's queen sized bed, blankets over all of them but they were too frightened to sleep, afraid of more napalms being dropped on them if they were to succumb to the darkness. Ronan and Adrian laid at the bottom of the pile, Connor, Warren, and Alice laid on top of them. Ronan says he like it because of the deep pressure therapy.

After the bombs were dropped the previous night the city lost power, trapping the teens in darkness for hours, listening to nothing but the growls and groans from outside. It was a while before they would even move from the hall, helping Ronan through the meltdown that occurred and the anxieties of it happening again if they were to move.

The sun came up hours later, basking the room in an red-orange haze that would have been pretty if it weren't for the fires still raging in the center of Atlanta. "Let's get up and get some food. We need a plan for later" Connor say sliding off the bed to stand on the off white carpet "Is it even safe out there?" Alice asked sitting up, Warren's arms staying around her waist.

"We don't honestly won't know shit until we go out" He stated before exiting the room, the girls following before the other two boys. Ramen was breakfast for the teens using the water Connor said to save and lighting the stove with one of Ronan's lighters "Breakfast of champions" Ronan mused twisting the noodles around his fork. 

"Well, that's the reason for the run today. Everything fell so quickly yesterday so Walmart should be a good place to hit, along with snatching a car in case we need to make a quick get away from the city. Warren, your getting survival stuff from the camping isle. Alice, you are in charge of grabbing food, make sure to only grab canned food or non perishables. Adrian, you got clothes, stuff that we could use as protection. And Ronan, you get weapons from the hunting section. I'll be getting medical and shower supplies. We leave in fifteen so hurry up, finish eating and get ready"

They ate quickly and began dressing for going out, seeing all the places that people were bitten Warren came up with the idea of using duct-tape, belts, and magazines for arm and shin guards so they could avoid being bitten while they were out. They stood at the door with all their weapons at the ready, bracing themselves to go back into the hell outside the apartment, not knowing if they were alone in the building.

"We do this as quietly as possible, in, out, get back here. Understood?" Connor asked looking at the others "Ten-four" Ronan quipped causing Connor to roll his eyes with a sigh "Here we go" He pulled the door open silently, stepping out first to look up and down the hall, waving his hand forward when he saw it was all clear. He stepped forward leading the group down the hall in a line in the order of Connor, Alice, Ronan, Warren, and Adrian taking up the rear. "Hey Ali, can you teach me to use a bow?" Ronan whispered as she nocked an arrow "Later" She whispered back, silenced by Connor shushing the two.

They made it down to the main floor without running into any infected but out the entrance door they could see the creatures shambling up and down the street "The Walmart is four blocks down, I'm gonna lead since I know this city better, Connor, you take up the rear. Warren and Ronan, you two take the sides, I want Alice in the middle to watch our blind spots. If anything we miss anything comes up while we aren't paying attention you take it down" They nod and fall into their places before exiting the building.

The noise of the group attracts attention from the swarm and they have to fight their way down the street and hid in an alley as another stumbles past them. Between creeping through alleys and ducking behind cars the five made it to Walmart under twenty minutes only to find the store and parking lot overrun with the dead. "Shit" Adrian cursed ducking behind a white pick up truck. "The hell do we do now?" Alice hissed grabbing Connor's sleeve "Hold on! Let me think of something" He snarled, yanking his arm away and hitting a grocery cart. 

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