When Shit Hit The Fan

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"Mr. Wilson!" A shove hit the sleeping boys shoulder as his name was called and he quickly jerked awake, glaring at his friend before looking to the teacher at the front of the bus  "Did you hear what I said?" Mrs. Alisson questioned him and he shrugged sheepishly "No, sorry Ma'am. I was asleep" Connor laughed from beside him quietly "You must stay with your chaperone at all times, no wandering off, no touching anything, and no yelling. Understood?" Ronan nodded looking over the rude woman he had as a chaperone, Dr. Cooley, she gets mad at any student who doesn't call her Dr, plus she always treated him like he was stupid instead of just a bit slow and unfocused.

Everyone unloaded from the busses in front of the Atlanta History Center, his four friends standing around him, a group of mismatched teens. Connor Anderson, the police chief's son but like Ronan he has a knack for getting into trouble. Adrian Crevan loud with his southern twanged accent and always ready to fight anyone who looks at him or his friends wrong. Warren Coleman, perfect example of tall, dark, and mysterious. Alice Webster, rich girl with a heart of gold, Ronan's first friend when they met it preschool. And finally Ronan Wilson, the 'trouble maker', a bad habit of doing things that piss off the adults who don't understand him.

"Alright everyone, this way" The guide called out and the groups started moving through the building. Alice and Adrian walked with Ronan between them, his hand griping the hem of Alice's soft fuzzy hoodie in an attempt to keep himself grounded to pay attention to the guide, Connor and Warren walked behind them talking quietly as they looked around at the different exabits. Even though Ronan had the fuzzy feeling it didn't help him paying attention, his eyes drifting to watch everyone around, he's always found people watching interesting, seeing people act 'normal'.

Thirty minutes into the tour Ronan was getting bored, as were the others and Dr. Cooley wasn't paying attention to them. He gently tugged on Alice's shirt walking backwards as the rest of the group went forward "Let's go check out the medieval and renaissance shit" He said and led them away "We're gonna get in trouble" Connor chuckled as they followed the maps "Who care about the civil war anyway. Swords and knights are cooler" Adrian scoffed as they entered the room, suits of armor and swords were everywhere, statues depicting battles.

The main thing that caught Ronan's attention was the velvet red throne against the wall, gold frame shining under the lights. "Hey, take a picture, Con" He stated going behind the red rope and sat in the throne, posing like a villain king. Connor pulled out his phone taking pictures when a loud shriek made them all freeze "Wasn't me" Ronan said standing and walking to his friends as they stared at the entrance to the room "Obviously" Warren muttered.

"Do you think Dr. Cooley realized we're gone?" Alice questioned "Maybe that's what that was" She ran her hand through her short red hair nervously as Connor walked closer "No, something's going on out there" Ronan said as more screaming started, getting louder as their tour guide ran into the room, slamming the large doors closed. The group of teens stepped back taking in her appearance. Her neat bun was now all over the place, her shirt was covered in the blood leaking from her shoulder.

"What the hell's going on out there?!" Adrian questioned the woman "I don't know. A man was being escorted out and he attacked the security guard. Bit him in the neck. There was so much blood. Then a wave of people like him rushed in the hall and started eating your classmates" She rushed out, hand holding her shoulder. "It's the shit from the news" Ronan stated "She's infected. I heard that it transfers through bites and scratches" The guide looked to her shoulder with fear "I'm gonna be one of them, you need to get out of here. The door over there," She pointed to the opposite side of the room, "It will take you to an emergency exit through the staff halls. Take something from here, they may not be the best but it's better than nothing. Hurry!" She rushed, hearing the dead getting closer to their room.

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