chapter twenty seven

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Merry Christmas everyone and have a great day.

Danny and Dipper were walking along in the woods talking about random normal.stuff they had did. They hadn't wanted to have someone listen in on some private stuff in case someone was nearby. They had both noticed the two people fallowing them but since it was a certain pair of parents they decided it was ok.

They had walked up to this tree house that looked brand new and admired it before climbing the rope that had just big enough nots in it for them to climb. Both the halfa and they hybrid were speaking to each other via dipper's telepathic abilities.

Are you sure you want your parents to find out they might freak.

It's fine plus I think it's about time they know their son is one of the things they fear most.

They had come to the agreement before they headed into the treehouse. They waited and turned invisible after Dipper created an illusion of them leaving. Not so long later Mrs. and Mr. Fenton walked into the treehouse thinking that the two left for a minute.

So the two trouble makers directed the two adults to a secret elevator but the two boys had to go with them so they could peacefully get into their base.

I'll have another chapter out soon just wanted to get this one out to say Merry Christmas.

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