chapter eleven

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"hey Dipper it's time to go home now." Mr. Pines said.

I shook my head no and hid behind mom. "He's not going anywhere with you." Grunkle Stan and Ford said in unison while everyone else walks over to the open door.

" Well according to court order he has to come home." Mr. Pines said.

"He's still not coming with you. YOU CHILD ABUSING MONSTER" My mom yelled at  him.

Father started walking into the shack until suddenly he fell and landed on his ass. He tried once more but ultimately was not able to enter.

"I'm glad it still works." I said while smiling.

"What do you mean" Grunkle Ford asked. I just shrugged and looked at Bill but he looked confused at the fact the man couldn't enter.

Ford walked over and left the shack and re-entered. "How interesting."

"Are we going to forget the fact that Dipper spoke." Mable asked while crossing her arms while looking at me.

"We will talk about that later shooting star." Bill said. Then Bill knew he messed up but didn't do anything cause he disguised his voice.

Mable looked confused. "Why did you call me that." She said glaring at Bill.

"Because of your headband and I think it suits you but if you don't like it I won't call you that." He said as he grabbed me from behind and slid his arm around my waist.he pulled me closer and I entangled our free hands together.

Honestly I wasn't surprised that Father showed up but I was still scared of him. He made me feel useless, not worthy. He made me want to commit su*c/de but I settled for self harm and making his life miserable.

"Why can't I get through." He looked up at me as a smile slowly crept up on my face. "What did you do you f@got." Mr. Pines said while raising his voice.

"Don't yell at him or I swear to.." Bill started.

"Or what you can't do anything."

Bill    I thought

Yes Pine tree

Don't do anything I will get my revenge soon

But he is

Sh don't worry I'll be fine but for now

Suddenly Mr. Pines came through the door and instinctively everyone was shielding me. And to be honest it felt nice to be protected instead of protecting.

"I'm fine he can stay for the night but he will leave without me tomorrow." I said while walking away heading to my room. Bill fallowed me while almost everyone stood in shock.

"Why'd you let him stay." Bill asked trying to stay calm.

"Oh for my revenge I thought of something a long time ago but I didn't think of doing it till he came here." I said. Bill just gave me a confused look.

"And that would be."

"I'm not telling." I felt Bill trying to read my mind

"Pine tree why can I read your mind"

" That is also a secret."

Mable's pov

We were all just standing there in shock of what just happened. First dipper talked then dad showed up and then dip stick leg him stay.

"Ok then" Grunkle Stan said.

"You will sleep in the living room we have no spare ones and we don't have a couch just a chair." Grunkle Ford said in a slightly angered and annoyed voice.

"Tch thanks" Mr. Pines said and walked to the living room.

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