Chapter two: Why is he is alive!

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"Yes Pine tree it me"

I stood up and thought 'omg he is so hot'

"Thanks Pine tree~" bill said

'stop reading my mind' I thought

"But Pine tree isn't it the only way we can talk without you speaking" he said with a little grin.

'i mean ya but' I though

"No buts now it's time to wake up" he snapped.

I woke up right before the bell ring. Feeling supper confused and started to head to my next class. Once I sat down I was trying to figure out what was going on and decided that I should go to Gravity Falls and ask Ford.

'but dad won't let me go' I though. 'ohh I can just go there I have enough money and they can protect me from him. Perfect •_•'

Time skip

School was finally over and so I headed home. I walked in and I almost immediately started to clean the front room. I had just put the last bottle in the trash bag when my father walked into the house. When I saw him he was drunk but not enough. Father started to walk towards me with a bear bottle in hand.

He looks at me "hurry up!" He yells and then he hits me with the bottle but I blocked it with my arm. I hurried up and finished cleaning then ran upstairs into my room.

'Damn it he slashed my arm open' I thought as I went over and found my sewing needle and some thread. I took off my hoodie and poured some cleaning alcohol on my wound. I started stitching my arm and keeps dabbing it with a towel so I could see. After I was done I wrapped it in some bandages and started packing.

Once I was done packing I grabbed all of the money I saved which was around five hundred dollars and hopped out my window. Then I started to head to the bus station. 'if dad catches me I'm dead but he probably won't notice till Wednesday' I thought while silently laughing to myself.

Timely skipity

"Next stop gravity falls"

I sat up grabbing my backpack waiting for the bus to stop. When it finally did I got off and looked around taking in the forest. I then started to head to the mystery shack.

When I was finally there I went up to the door and knocked on it. "Coming" someone said but I kinda recognized the voice but didn't know who it was. The door started to open and I saw my mother standing there.

"How can I help you" she said while looking at me.

'hello mom it's me Dipper' I signed and I know my mom knew it because she taught me.

"Dipper is that really you" she said while almost crying.

'ya mom it's me' I signed

Hope u enjoyed and I will try to upload every day.

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