chapter 19

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"Ohh sure sorry" he moved the bangs covering his eyes to behind his ear and no one could believe what the where seeing.

"Omg dipping dot your so CUTE" Mabel said while squealing.

The boy giggles "thanks Mabel"

"Wow" Bill exclaimed.

"Wait so back to the story who is Danny?" Stanley asked.

"He's a friend that lives a bit far from here but if you want to meet him we can set up a get together" Dipper says excitedly. Stan nodded his head in approvement of this plan.

"Wait..." Everyone looked at Ford. "What can you do power wise?" He asked.

"Uhh not sure but I think I have most powers of both angels and demons.... And some more" the boy replied.

"That does make sense since you can change your appearance but also use a high ranking spell." Bill informed them.

"Are you ok hunny" Jane asked.

"I'm fine mom it was a few years ago" Dipper replies and takes out his phone.

Dipper opened his messages and one was from Danny. Hey can we meet up soon I kinda need your help my town is under attack. Dipper sighed.

"We have to go now Danny's town is being attacked and he can't handle it." He said with a worried face.

"You can go first we will meet you there." Jane said.

"Thanks I'll text you guys the location ." Dipper said then texted Danny back I will be there in a minute. Hold on. He then got up and hugged his mother.

As Dipper made his way to help Danny he got a phone call from him. Dipper picked up the phone.

"How close are you." Danny asked.

"I'll be there in two minutes. What's wrong?" Dipper replied.

"I'm in the ghost zone right now so go to the basement in my house I'll meet you there."

"Alright I will but will I be able to get through your parents shield"

"You should be able to but just make sure you look human."

"Alright I'm almost there I'll text you when I'm on the house." Dipper hangs up the phone and turns invisible. He then goes into an alleyway next to the Phentons house and changes his appearance back to the brown haired boy. He becomes visible again and walks into the house to be greeted with two people holding guns.

"Who are you." One asked the boy.

Sorry I don't know how to spell Danny's last name so if it's incorrect can someone tell me.

Have a good day or night.

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