"Is there another way to save them?" 

"You'll have to take Lena to Argo City. We can't use the sun lamps here because it's artificial sunlight. It won't do anything." 

"Lena said she didn't want to go to Argo..." 

"Kara! You need to choose now or I'll have to inject this."

"I don't know!!!" 



"I'll have the portal ready." 

Moments later...

"I'm sorry Lena. I have to do this." whispered Kara. 

"Hey, you did the right thing." Said Alex before Kara walked into the portal. 

"I know I did." 

----------------In Argo City------------------

"MOM! I NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE!" screamed Kara as she put Lena on her bed. 

Alura came running into the room...

"Hello Kara, I see you've brought a guest. May I know who she is?" Asked Alura, delighted to see her daughter.

"This is Lena, my wife."

"I see... Is something wrong with her?" Asked Alura

"The babies were too strong for Lena to handle. They were kicking and had super strength." Explained Kara

"I see, she should be safe now since she's under Argo's red sun but I will ask Kelex to give her medicine to ease the pain and heal her." Said Alura as she walked out of the room.

"Thank you mother" 

A few minutes after Kelex injected the medicine into Lena's system...

"Kara? Where are we?"

"Lena! You're awake. We're in uhhh Argo..."


"I'm sorry, I know you said you didn't want to come but I couldn't bear seeing you in pain. This was the only way to stop it. We'd have to kill the babies if I didn't bring you here or you would die. We can go back if you want but you might get hurt again and...." Kara continued...

"Hey, Kara, it's okay. You saved me. Thank you."

"You're not mad?"

"No, Kara, I'm not mad. I'm really thankful that you brought me here. I just wanted the pain to stop. I would do anything for it to go away..."

"Are you okay now?"

"A bit sore and my stomach still hurts a bit but other than that, I'm fine."

"Alright. Do you need anything? I mean, now that we're in Argo, I can show you around, teach you our customs...."

"Just stay here with me... please?" Asked Lena.

"Yes, sure!" Replied Kara

After Kara was in bed with Lena. 

"So... Do we just stay here? Or do you want to talk about something?" 

"I wanna talk about our kids."

"Sure? What about them?" 

"Kara, I'm due in around 3 months. We haven't gotten anything for them yet."

"I can handle that."

"I'm not ready to be a mother Kara..."

"Neither am I. This is new to the both of us."

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