Chapter 22: Prelude to Spider-Geddon

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Flashback: Sometime ago... In Miles Morales' former home dimension...

Wolf Spider had drained Spider-Man, Kid Arachnid and Spider-Woman of their life forces, along with every single spider hero in the spider-verse. Making him, the one and only Spider-Man in of the multiverse.

 Making him, the one and only Spider-Man in of the multiverse

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"IT IS COMPLETE!" Wolf Spider yelled. "I am now the most powerful Spi-" But then his sentence was cut short, his web of reality started shutting him off from the other spiders.

Then, a purple stream of life force returned back to Spider-Man, bringing him back to life, and he ripped off Wolf Spider's webbing. "Peter Parker's a smart guy, Wolfie." He said, getting back up. "You should've seen this coming." Wolf Spider struggled as more strands of life forces start leaving him and return to Kid Arachnid and Spider-Woman. "You made a huge mistake, Wolf Spider." Spider-Man added. "You drained the power of heroes."

Wolf Spider was on his knees, as dimensional cracks started consuming his body. "Wha- what's happening to me?" He asked in anguish and fear.

 "Wha- what's happening to me?" He asked in anguish and fear

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Spider-Man gave a simple explanation. "You said it yourself, in every other realm, Peter Parker is a good guy. With someone as evil as you, you poisoned yourself by stealing out life forces."

With that, Wolf Spider's entire body was cracking

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With that, Wolf Spider's entire body was cracking. "No! This can't be!" He screamed as his body shatters into pieces.

The shard pieces of Wolf Spider, the life forces of every Spider totem Wolf Spider absorbed, was returning to their worlds. A glimpse of Spider-Man Noir sees his counterpart. "How did you know that would work?" He asked.

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