Chapter 9 - This Isn't What I Planned

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I know I've said this before, but I'm sorry for taking a while with these chapters! I've been working a lot, and I've just been really beat. I switched to part-time, so hopefully I'll be posting sooner. Thanks for your patience, and thanks for sticking with the story my lovely readers!! ❤😁

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As I stood there in the palace set, I couldn't help but let my gaze linger on Elvis and Alan standing over by one of the tall cameras. The two were standing apart, and Elvis was talking with Gene. I let air escape out of my mouth in a sigh as my mind ran with what Elvis told me about twenty minutes ago.

"Everything alright?" asked one of the palace maid ladies, Minerva, who wore that orange bikini top outfit.

"Yes, everything is alright," I said. "I think."

She followed my gaze, and she nudged me in the arm with her elbow. "Is Elvis making passes at you again? That man really has a hard time staying in control around the ladies."

"Actually... no. As surprising as that is."

I didn't want to get more into it since I barely knew this woman. She said nothing more, thankfully, and I watched as Elvis talked with Gene for a minute more, then stopped and came into the scene. After all of the irritating passes he had made to me with that quirky lop-sided smirk, his facial expression looked a tad... mean. His icy blue eyes linked with my eyes for a second, and there were razors. Serrated ones.

My chest hurt. I hated it when I felt guilty. My gaze went to Alan, and he smiled at me. Gene wasn't starting the scene, so would there be enough time for me to skedaddle off of the set for a minute and tell him I changed my mind? Yes, Alan seemed like a great guy, and he was hot, but I wasn't all that interested in him. I just needed him to spite Elvis.

"Maybe I can..." I mumbled and about took my first step, but Gene called for all of us to get into our places.

"Okay, now, we're going to have Johnny escape the palace," said Gene. "Ladies, you will shuffle off the set as the guards start to set in, and Elvis... are you prepared to get wet again?"

"Prepared enough," said Elvis. He glanced at me, then looked back at the director. He still didn't seem happy. Really, did I hurt his feelings that much? Well, he was human, not a famous robot, as much as he seemed like one since he was pushed incessantly by his manager. Plus, I heard that the guy was very emotional, on both sides of the spectrum. Those temper tantrums could clear a house, according to Grandma.

We all got into place, and the scene started. Us girls sat around Elvis as he talked with the thief, and once the other ladies and I came off of the set, we watched as Elvis played out this scene of hiding inside the pond in the palace courtyard to hide from the guards. He first stepped into the shallow pond and dunked under. Some of the crew gasped as he did so.

"Really, it's not like the guy doesn't know how to hold his breath," I muttered.

"This is pretty excitin', watchin' this," I heard, and I turned my head and faced Alan. The other women playing the palace maidens were staring at him. Figures. He was a women's gaze magnet.

"I suppose so," I said, turning away from him and watching the scene. Elvis came up out of the water, drenched, as Gene talked with him. My heart jumped. He looked... really good dripping wet, with water sliding down his face from his hair, and his skin shining where you could see some of his chest near the base of his neck. How come I didn't notice this the last time he was soaked after the scene where Johnny meets the princess?

"You kiddin'?! This is amazin'!" Alan enthused, which snapped me out of watching Elvis, it seemed, in slow motion as he ran a hand through his dark wet hair. My heart jumped around inside of me, and my face felt hot. I really had to get it together. Boy, Elvis would love to know that I had this reaction of him. But maybe he wouldn't care. He was ticked with me. It should be relieving that he was, but I just felt rotten.

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