Chapter 6 - A Little Moment in a Little Room

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Day one of this crazy foray completed, and I didn't have much for my article, mainly since there was never a spare moment when I could talk with Elvis. This had never happened before... my interviewee doing all he could to ruffle my feathers and flirt with me incessantly. I really wished that Mr. Strauss hadn't assigned me to write this article. It would've been one of my coworkers who had the opportunity to personally know Elvis.

I sat in my wheelchair as I watched this scene play out in the studio. The part where the character falls off the gazebo and into the water was done by a stunt double who winked at me earlier in the day. I wasn't used to being winked at, or being continuously flirted with, by handsome men. Back at home, a guy would do the occasional head nod and smirk, but that was it.

"Cut!" Gene shouted, and Elvis walked off the set and was handed a towel. Of course, he had to get doused with water to make it look like he fell in a lake. Thankfully for him, the water was warm.

Elvis caught my gaze and winked at me, making my heart leap. Honestly! That guy was a chronic flirter. As my grandmother put it, he was a chronic cheater since he went after women when he had another.

The actress playing the princess walked out of the gazebo set and was met by a lady stylist. She touched up her makeup and fixed the sheer orange shawl over her head. The woman was a beauty. I knew Elvis would have to kiss her at some point since she was the main love interest. Mental note—Elvis always acted with extraordinarily beautiful women, and most of the time, they were his love interest. In his earlier movies, according to what I heard, he sometimes had two love interests.

That actress caught me staring at her, and she smiled. I returned it. She said something to her stylist and started walking over to me, still smiling. "Hello," she greeted me.

"Hello," I said back.

"I saw you earlier today while you did the courtyard scene. I wanted to say hi, but I was pulled away by my manager for a little meeting." She held out her hand. "My name is Mary Ann Mobley. It's great to meet you."

I shook her hand, and I wondered how I didn't notice this woman as we were doing the courtyard scene. Maybe she wasn't in costume yet. I chose to change out of mine. "Rebecca Hasam. It's great to meet you, too."

I made the mistake of looking over at Elvis, and of course, he was still looking over at us ladies, one standing and one in a wheelchair. I looked away, clearing my throat. Mary Ann noticed this exchange. She said, "The relationship you have with Elvis is so funny. I laughed out loud at your reaction to finding out you probably had to kiss him."

"Yes, I know. I'm one odd woman."

"Then I must be, too."

That took me by surprise. My brows creased as I looked up at her as her brown eyes glimmered. "You're not like every other woman out there who wants to call Elvis theirs?"

She nodded. "Indeed." She leaned down to me so we were eye-level and said in a hushed tone, "Just between us girls, I'm in love with another actor. His name's Gary Collins, and he's the most handsome man I've ever seen. I've only talked to him once, but... there were definitely sparks."

This Gary Collins was probably her future husband. "I see. I won't tell a soul. Reporter's honor."

She stood up straight again. "Oh, yes! I read about you in the paper. My, how heroic Elvis was, rescuing you from that crowd of people and taking you to the hospital. And paying for your hotel stay!"

"Yes, he was very nice for doing that. That man gets under my skin, though. I'm not one of his fans, as you can tell."

"Which makes him only a coworker of sorts for you."

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