10- Plan

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Ladybug sat alone on a random rooftop, her legs dangling on the side and gently hitting the brick of the building. She stared off into the distance and watched the city of Paris retire for the night, the illuminating lights from the buildings and lamp posts glowing in the darkness. It was a rather peaceful sight: no akumas, no destruction, just peace.

This was what she was fighting for. This was what her friends, her family, her loved ones, were fighting for. As long as they were alive, peace will still remain in the city of Paris.

Sometimes Ladybug would come up here when she felt stressed and overwhelmed with everything during the early hours of the night, looking down onto the city and admiring the beauty that shone through the lights. It served as both a reminder and a way of relaxation for her when she felt like giving up. Just her, the city, and the cool Parisian air.

Occasionally Chat Noir would join her, chatting to her about some minor events that had occurred in his personal life (eerily similar to that of her friend Adrien), discussing plans to defeat Hawkmoth and his new accomplice, or just sitting with her in the darkness admiring the beauty of their beloved city. Ladybug enjoyed his company, especially now that he isn't constantly flirting with her. He was a great partner, an excellent friend, and somebody she always felt like she could confide in.

Today was one of those days. Ladybug heard Chat Noir hop onto the rooftop and sit down beside her, smiling and announcing his presence to her. Unfortunately for him, she was about to sour the mood..

"You plan on getting yourself akumatized? M'Lady, that's crazy!" Chat Noir exclaimed in disbelief.

Master Fu had told her a couple of days ago that now was the right time to inform Chat Noir of her plan. Her parents already knew about them beforehand, not exactly fond of the idea of their daughter sacrificing herself just so that they could get the location of Hawmoth's lair. Chat Noir seemed to have the same reaction as they did, informing her of how reckless her plan was.

"Even if it's for a good cause I still don't think it's a great idea."

Ladybug nodded. She expected this kind of reaction from Chat Noir. Despite his playful nature he is just as smart and resourceful as she is. Of course he would care about the well-being of his equal, his friend, his partner, his Ladybug.

"I don't want Hawkmoth to be around any longer. More and more civilians are getting hurt as the days go on, one of these days the miraculous ladybug cure isn't going to work anymore and people will end up dying because of that. I can't continue to go on watching people suffer just because one man wants two teenagers' jewels. I just can't," Ladybug said in a shaky tone. It was the truth, she couldn't go on like this any longer. Hawkmoth needs to be stopped before he causes any more damage.

"Then I'll help you. We're in this together as a team, I won't give up on you now just because of some ridiculous plan. Master Fu picked us both as holders for a reason, Ladybug. He believes that the two of us as well as the other holders have the power to put an end to Hawkmoth's reign once and for all," Chat Noir responded, "I still don't think it's a good idea though."

"Yeah...you're right. But what other choice do we have?" Ladybug asks him.

     "We could always ask Master Fu for help. He knows more about the miraculous's than anyone else. Maybe he could have a way to track down Hawkmoth?" Chat Noir sheepishly shrugs, "It's worth a shot."

     Ladybug's eyes widened. Chat Noir could be onto something.. What if Master Fu does have a way to track down Hawkmoth. If so, this could be the solution she's been looking for these past few months.

     "I'll get into contact with him later once patrol ends. If your assumption is right and he does have a way to track Hawkmoth, we can finally put an end to his reign of terror once and for all!" Ladybug exclaims as she quickly hugs Chat Noir, "Thank you!"

     Chat Noir smiles as he accepts her hug, "You're welcome, Ladybug."

     Marinette quickly makes her way over to Master Fu's residence as quickly as she could. She was eager to see if Chat's theory was true: Master Fu might have a way to track down Hawkmoth. It was a crazy theory in itself, but then again it could be quite plausible considering he is (in fact) the guardian of the miraculous. Either way, Marinette was in desperate need of some answers and Master Fu was the key to solving all her miraculous related problems.

     Before entering Master Fu's home, Marinette knocked on the door and came in once Fu gave her permission. Walking into a familiar room, Marinette watched as Tikki flew out of her pocket and over towards a pondering Master Fu and his tablet. Sitting down in front of him, Marinette glanced over and noticed Master Fu looking at a random page (she couldn't make out what he's reading as it is in a completely different language).

     "What is wrong, Marinette?" Master Fu asked her.

     "Chat gave me an idea as to how we could possibly track down Hawkmoth. He said that you could possibly have a way to do so, considering you have more experience with the miraculous's than we do," Marinette responded as she watched Master Fu's eyes widened.

     "Hm...I believe I do. Long ago I was given a staff by one of the temple heads during my training. The staff has the ability to track all the miraculous's and the miracle box, but unfortunately while I was fleeing the burning temple my staff got destroyed," Master Fu said as he closed his book, "I do apologize I couldn't be of much help to you."

     "It's fine, I just thought I would ask," Marinette gave him an encouraging smile. She knew it wasn't his fault, things do happen in life. Unfortunately that leaves her with no other choice but to go with her original plan.., "Thank you!"

     "No problem, Marinette," Master Fu responded as Marinette got up from the floor and left with Tikki. He felt bad that he couldn't do more to help her...unless...

     "Kaalki, I think it's about time we make a trip  back to the old temple."

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