2- Worry

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     The new school year was just right around the corner and Marinette had managed to convince her parents to transfer her out of Mrs. Bustier's class and into Ms. Mendeleiv's. It was a hard and tough decision for Marinette to make, but she decided that the change would be necessary for her to move on from everything that has been troubling her.

     She has still been attending weekly therapy sessions with Ms. Gardner, and Marinette has slowly grown to realize that her crush on Adrien....wasn't exactly ideal to begin with. It was an obsession and a very bad one at that. Why on earth did her friends influence this type of behavior is beyond Marinettes understanding.

Taking down and deleting everything Adrien related off of her devices (except for a few photos that included the derby hat she designed and group photos) and replaced them with pictures of herself and her family, Marinette took a step back and admired the work she had done. This school year will be the start of a new chapter in her life, one without obsession and having to constantly worry about Lila turning people against her.

Marinette was quite sad that she had to leave her friends behind, but Tikki reassured her that she can always go hangout with them at lunch or events. Unfortunately for Marinette though, her friends seem to think otherwise..

Reading texts upon texts and calls from the few weeks she was grounded, Marinette had noticed that the messages and voice calls have gone from concerned to aggressive real quick. Clicking on the last message Alya had send her, Marinette had slowly caught on as to why all this negativity was coming her way....Lila spreaded yet another false lie about her, and this time it was revolving around her not wanting to be friends with them anymore...

Immediately notifying her parents of what's going on, Marinette handed her phone over to her mom and was questioning on why Lila would go this far to ruin her life? Admittedly Marinette did add fuel to the fire when she transformed as Ladybug and made a fool out of her in front of Adrien, so maybe that could be a reason as to why Lila is out for her head...or well Ladybugs..

Tom and Sabine looked at each other with a concern look in their eyes before sending Marinette upstairs into her room to have a private one on one discussion. Taking a deep breath and sitting down on her bed, Marinette realized starting over was going to take a lot more work now that Lila was off spreading fabricated lies again..And just when she was about to message her friends the real reason as to why she was absent too....

To say Marinette was a hot mess would be a complete understatement....She was a total wreck! Perhaps this would be a great topic to talk about with her therapist tomorrow....yeah....Marinette thinks she'll do exactly that...

"Alright Marinette, what is it you would like to discuss with me today?" Mary-Jane asked her as she got out her clipboard, "Anything school related? Adrien? Or is this something completely different?"

"Well technically it could be considered school related. You remember Lila, right?" Marinette asked her.

Mary-Jane nodded, "The pathological liar who seems to have it out for you?"

"Mhm, apparently she spreaded yet another fabricated lie revolving around why I haven't messaged my friends lately. She said that I didn't want to be their friends anymore and that's why I ignored them, when in reality I got grounded for the whole Adrien situation we discussed last week," Marinette explained in a calm tone, "My parents right now are planning on filing charges against Lila for defamation and harassment, based off of previous incidents before all of this. So far I've managed to record a few of our conversations, took pictures of some of the texts she sent me through an anonymous number, and not to mention the messages and voice calls sent from my classmates."

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