Ch.3 Washington B.C

423 7 8

Inside the Rustbucket after the fight with the robot and display of Alex power. The Tennyson's right now sit across the table infront of Alex who just laid back lazy starring at the group as Ben and Gwen look at him with star in they eyes. While Max just starring back at the teenage in silent. Before Max decide to break it and ask.

Max:"So Alex mind if you tell us how did you do all that stuff? Last time i see you, you doesn't have any power so how?"

Alex just sigh as he lay his head on the table then say.

Alex:"Alright fine, i'll spill the bean, it's magic, and i already know how to use it. To answer your question on the last one. Simple i just don't show it because at that time i still haven't know any spell. All i could do was control my shadow. Then the next morning i wake up after that i have a dream. The dream show me where the book, is making me go toward it and found it. Along with other...yeah other...that why you guy haven't seen me in 5 months because i on journey to learned how to control my power as cliche as that sound so yeah, simple to put it i known at some children play video game that chose they class. So basically i a wizard now zada-zada-zada za-da-da like that"

As Alex finish his explain the group were sweatdrop at the blunt explained coming from the teenager.

Alex:"Are we done now? Good because i want to sleep. End of Question and Answer."

After Alex say that he turn them down and lay his back on the couch before his drown himself to sleep. He say good night to the trio, and falling asleep.

[ Time Skip ]

Inside a burning apartment building, a mother and her son are trying get to safety until the ceiling begins to collapse. The mother embraces her son in attempt to shield him from the debris. But nothings comes. When they open their eyes, a strange being infront of them holding up the debris. The being look like a man make out of rock cover in flame.

Boy:"W..who are you?"

Heatblast:"Don't be afraid i'm here to help."

Ben throw the debris alway and attempt to absorb the flame blocking they've way out. But he got interrupt by a spiral black red and golden portal open below them making the three fall into it, before they landing outside the burning building.

[ 1 minute ago ]
As Ben transform into Heatblast and run into the burning building while Alex just reading his book before Gwen coming up to him trying to stay calm trying to hold her blush and say.

Gwen:"Uh...Alex don't you think you should...i don't know...helping Ben?"

Alex:*Still reading book*"And why should i? Ben have the watch, he be alright"

Gwen:"Yes..but um..Ben is...Ben he could i don't know? Get into trouble"

As Gwen say this Alex put his book down and think all the time Ben get into trouble.

[ Flashback at when Ben come to Alex house ]

Alex:"Alright Ben i'm gonna head out and buy some snack don't get into trouble alright?"

Ben:"Pffft got it Alex, careful is my middle name and keeping thing from destroy is my game"

Alex:*chuckle*"Yeah sure i be back in 5 minutes"

5 minutes later, Alex had come back from the store with snack on his hand. When he coming back to his house. Only to find it burning while the firefighters trying they'll best to put the flame out. And Ben running far away from Alex while screaming

Ben:*Running back to his house while screaming*"It's wasn't my fault!!!"

But Alex was already into much shock to hear Ben as he drop the bag of snack to the ground. Only staring at his burning house.

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