Chapter 1

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This is my first Harry Potter fanfic, so please be nice :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter; J.K. Rowling does. I'm not getting paid for this book.

Chapter 1

"There you are, Duddykins. Don't you feel much better now?" Petunia cooed as she finished combing her 5 year old son's damp hair! Petunia loved her son more than anything in the world. And why shouldn't she? He was perfect! He looked like a baby angel; he was plump with neat blond hair and blue eyes.

She has just finished giving him a bath. Dudley loved his baths. He especially loved when she let him eat cookies while in the tub; he called them his "bath cookies." And he had a ton of bath toys.

"Okay, Darling. Run along now." Petunia said.

"Can I have a snack?" Dudley asked. He was always wanting food.

"Of course, my little Dudleywudleykins," she replied. After all, he was a growing boy. She never denied him when he wanted food, or anything else for that matter.

Dudley started running out of the bathroom as Petunia began cleaning up. Then she suddenly stopped as a realization dawned on her:  tonight she had to give him a bath. Petunia let out a frustrated groan. Well, she might as well get it over with. "Oh, Angel," she called after her son.

"What?" Dudley whined as he turned back around.

"Can you tell the boy to come up here?"

Dudley let out a long sigh and rolled his eyes. "Fine." He turned and let the bathroom. Then Petunia heard her son jump up and down on the stairs and yelling, "Hey, Freak! Mum wants you in the bathroom!"

"Freak." That's what he was. As Petunia waited, she quickly got everything ready. She put away Dudley's things & got out the boy's things. She didn't want the boy's filth to contaminate her family, so the boy had his own things:  his own soap, his own shampoo, his own waterpitcher, his own washcloth, his own towel, and his own comb.

"Yes, Aunt Petunia?" A small voice said from behind her.

Oh, how she hated that voice. She turned and there he stood. She scowled; she hated him. He was nothing but a burden and a waste of space. And now, when she should be spending time with her family, instead he was taking up her time and attention. "It's time for your bath."

The boy frowned and looked down at his feet. Unlike her precious angel, the boy hated his baths. That wasn't surprising; he loved the make her life difficult. She left him standing there for a minute while she cleaned out the bathtub. Then she turned on the faucet and let the tub begin the fill. She didn't bother adjusting the temperature. The boy got ice cold baths; they weren't going to waste their hot water on him.

As the tub filled, she turned to him. "Look at me," she instructed. The boy looked up at her and she removed his glasses. What kind of 5 year old needed glasses, anyway? Petunia scowled; they had to spend perfectly good money on those. Money she could've spent on her family or even herself. And did the boy appreciate it? No! God, she hated his eyes. Bright green, just like the sister she hated. She didn't mind them so much when he had his glasses on, because her sister didn't wear glasses. But without them, his eyes looked just like hers. It was like she was looking at Petunia, watching her, judging her. But who was Lily to judge? She had been a freak, and then she had this freak child!

She then took off his clothes. She stared at his naked body. He did not look like a normal human being. He was so skinny; she could actually count some of his ribs! The boy was a picky eater. She always provided him with nutritious food, but he never appreciated it. In fact, he would often give most of it to Dudley. Well, maybe if our food isn't good enough for you, you don't deserve it, she thought bitterly.

She turned to check on the bath water. The tub was full enough. She grabbed the water pitcher and filled it with water from the tap before shutting it off. She then grabbed the boy and held him at arm's length. Petunia did not like touching the child. He felt unnaturally light. He was 5 years old, but looked and felt more like a 3 year old. She unceremoniously dropped him in the tub. The brat let out a small yelp.

Petunia rolled her eyes. "You should just be grateful that you even get a bath," she scolded him. They went through this every month, and frankly, Petunia was sick of it.

"Y-Y-Yes, Aunt P-Pet-Petunia," the boy replied as he shivered. He was always so dramatic. And he was about to get a lot colder. Still shivering, he seemed to have noticed something. Petunia looked and noticed that he was staring at Dudley's bath toys. He reached out his hand to take one.

Petunia quickly smacked his outstretched hand, "No! Freaks don't get bath toys."

"Ow! I'm sorry, "replied the boy as he put his arm down. He wrapped his arms around his body, no doubt trying to warm up.

Petunia grabbed the water pitcher, ready to get this bath over with. She ran her free hand over the boy's ebony hair. She was ready to pour the water on his hair when he spoke up, "A-Aunt Petunia, I'm c-co-cold."

Petunia didn't know why, but hearing the boy say that made her snap. She put the water pitcher back down on the floor and just stared at him. She could hear him in her head:  Aunt Petunia, I'm cold. Aunt Petunia, I'm hungry. Aunt Petunia, I'm thirsty. Aunt Petunia this, Aunt Petunia that. She was sick of it! Before she even knew what she was doing, Petunia grabbed the small boy's head and plunged it under water. At first, nothing happened. After a few seconds the boy tried to come back up, but Petunia kept her hand on him firm. The brat began to struggle, trying to sit up. He began on flailing his arms and kicking his legs. He was splashing water everywhere, getting the bathroom and Petunia wet. But she didn't care; she only cared about ending her family's misery. 4 years they put up with this...this...demon! 4 years of their lives gone! 4 years' worth of money, wasted on the ungrateful little wretch!

Finally, after what seemed like forever, the boy's thrashing slowed down. His limbs slowly stopped moving until finally they became still. Petunia kept ahold of the boy until she was sure he was still. She pulled her frozen hands out of the water. She breathed a sigh of relief. It was over. She felt a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Smiling, Petunia stood up and left the bathroom. She would clean everything up later. Right now, she was going downstairs to be with her family.

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