relationship headcannons ✓

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misc: head cannons for dating Ghost
gender neutral

-took him a while to call you by anything but your first name

-would start to call you 'love' after he got comfortable with it

-now only ever calls you that, unless he's mad

-more of a lingering presence, just likes to be around you even if you're not talking

-100% a starer

-will observe you, it brings him comfort to just look at you

-he prefers to be in the background most of the time

-usually very quiet

-opens up to you more, talks more often around you than anyone else

-even so, primarily uses actions over words

- sometimes unaware of how much bigger/stronger than you he is

-will sometimes bump into you because he can forget about his own spacial-awareness

-if he ever accidentally hurts you thought, he'd feel horrible

-would be scared to touch you for a while, being extra soft with his touch

-once you two are officially dating, he would be very protective

-he would be scared to even date in the first place, so now it's a real relationship he gets very protective and obsessive

-can be a tad controlling

-deep down it's only because he's scared to lose you

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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